In light of the recent arrests under the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, I thought it would a good time to post this presentation I gave at William Mitchell College of Law recently.
It’s a step-by-step walkthrough of the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, with some background on the law and how it was passed. It is, of course, now outdated because the FBI has made the first arrests under the legislation. (I actually talk a bit about that in the lecture, though, in answering someone’s question about the likelihood of prosecution).
I suggest downloading the text of the AETA to have as a reference as we take a closer look.
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Also, check out the new Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act landing page I created. It’s a bit sparse right now, but ‘ll be using it to compile and organize the best AETA resources and articles in one place, particularly as these court cases move forward.
Also, what do you all think of posting audio of events like this? Is it useful? And do you prefer the entire talk, or just a highlight?