Book Release Party This Saturday at 826DC!
by Will Potter on April 18, 2011
in News

Hey everyone! Just a reminder about this weekend. The kind folks at 826DC (the fantastic literacy group started by author Dave Eggers) have opened up their space for a book release party. Sticky Fingers is catering, there’ll be a couple guest speakers,
Matt Gauck created a limited run of signed screenprints just for the event, and… well, it will just be nice to see everyone and celebrate having this thing DONE!
Saturday, April 23rd 2011
Columbia Heights metro station
I hope you can make it, and bring a friend or two. If the are any of Matt’s screenprints left, I may put some up for sale on the website.
And if you can’t make it, you can also order a signed copy of the book straight from me. (Geez, it feels so weird to say that). You can go to the
“shop” page or just click “add to cart” below.
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Book Tour