Terrorism Legislation

“Unravelling the Acronym: Will Potter Exposes the AETA (Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act)”

“Animal Voices,” on CIUT 89.5 FM in Toronto, has uploaded their recent show on the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act. We had a great conversation about the history of the law, recent arrests (the AETA 4), and the implications for animal rights activists, environmental activists, and everyone else. Unravelling the Acronym: Will Potter Exposes the AETA […]

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“Good Time Bill” Could Reduce Prison Times for Environmentalists and Animal Rights Activists

I have sat through so many sentencing hearings for environmentalists and animal rights activists when the judges and prosecutors have noted, and even applauded, how activists are not like “typical” defendants. By this, they mean that the defendants have solid education backgrounds (some even pursuing law degrees and master’s degrees while incarcerated), they have supportive […]

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2 Animal Rights Activists Arrested as “Terrorists” for Freeing Mink in Utah

Two animal rights activists have been arrested under the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act in connection to the release of mink from Utah fur farms. The crimes are attributed to the Animal Liberation Front, which the FBI labels the “number one domestic terrorism threat.” William Viehl, 22, and Alex Hall, 20, were arrested in connection with […]

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Dear Congress: You Lied to Me About the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act

March 4, 2009 Dear Member of Congress: When I testified before the House Judiciary Committee about the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act in 2006, I argued that such sweeping legislation risks criminalizing First Amendment activity as “terrorism” and chilling free speech. Members of the committee, including Rep. Bobby Scott and Rep. James Sensenbrenner, quickly dismissed my […]

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How Does the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act Work?

In light of the recent arrests under the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, I thought it would a good time to post this presentation I gave at William Mitchell College of Law recently. It’s a step-by-step walkthrough of the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, with some background on the law and how it was passed. It is, […]

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FBI’s 5-Step Process to Criminalize First Amendment Activity as “Terrorism”

The recent FBI arrests of animal rights activists as “terrorists” for chalking sidewalks, protesting and making fliers marks a drastic turning point in the Green Scare, and in the history of this country. The government and corporations are clearly hoping to set a legal precedent for the sweeping power of the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act. […]

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FBI Arrests 4 Activists as “Terrorists” for Chalking Slogans, Leafleting and Protesting

It was only a matter of time. Since the passage of the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, a sweeping new law labeling animal rights activists as “terrorists,” corporations and industry groups have been pushing the federal government to use their new powers. For more than two years, the law has sat on the shelf. The government […]

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Utah Bill Would Make Environmentalists Like Tim DeChristopher “Eco-Terrorists”

Yesterday’s article on the sentencing of Marie Mason to prison, as a terrorist, for 22 years has made quite a buzz. Nearly everywhere the piece has been posted (news sites, environmental sites, Digg, punk forums) there has been a slew of angry comments (by “green” folks, no less) supporting her sentence and condemning illegal activity. […]

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South Dakota “Eco-terrorism” Law Shot Down as Unnecessary

Good news from South Dakota: a state House committee shot down an “animal rights terrorism” bill proposed by the university. The bill was nearly identical to new, sweeping “animal enterprise terrorism” legislation in California. Similar laws have been pushed around the country by right-wing groups like the American Legislative Exchange Council (you might remember the […]

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Activism Labeled “Blackmail,” UK Animal Activists Sentenced to 4-11 Years in Prison

Seven animal rights activists in the U.K. were sentenced to up to 11 years in prison Wednesday for “conspiracy to blackmail” in their campaign to shut down the notorious animal testing laboratory Huntingdon Life Sciences.

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