Terrorism Legislation

Activists Target U.S. Rep. Over “Eco-terrorism” Legislation—And Get Quick Results

Student activists in Massachusetts were so furious about the secretive passage of the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act that they protested outside the office of their U.S. Representative demanding answers. And they got some. The headline in the local paper summed it up as “Animal protesters get results.” Shaun Sutner of the Worcester Telegram and Gazette […]

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GNR in SF Weekly on the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, “Boycott Feinstein”

Matt Smith at The SF Weekly has a great column this week on the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act. Smith hits home a few key points about AETA, particularly the double-speak of corporations and lawmakers like Diane Feinstein:

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Where Was the ACLU When Green Scare Legislation Passed Congress?

Where the hell was the ACLU? That seems to be the question on the minds of many, many activists– on email threads, radio programs and blog comments here on GreenIsTheNewRed.com. They’re angry that James Sensenbrenner, Tom Petri and other lawmakers rushed the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act through the House on a voice vote as part […]

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UPI Article on Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act’s Passage, Potter Quoted

United Press International’s Shaun Waterman has an article on the wire today about President Bush signing the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act into law. Here’s an excerpt from the text that appeared in today’s Washington Times: Will Potter, a freelance journalist and animal rights sympathizer, said the bill would chill legitimate protest but not discourage real […]

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Wisconsin Victory for Activists Draws Attention to Green Scare Legislation

Here’s some interesting news from Wisconsin, the land of Joseph McCarthy and two of his torch-bearers, Representatives James Sensenbrenner and Tom Petri. Animal rights activists won what they called a rare victory this week, when a judge sided in their favor in a contract dispute about building a museum condemning animal experimentation between two University […]

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Interview on KPFT Houston on the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (Audio Available)

Here’s a clip of this morning’s interview on KPFT 90.1 FM Houston & 89.5 Galveston with Janice Blue. We talked a bit about the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act and the Green Scare, and Andrea Lindsay was on to discuss supporting the SHAC 7, who are activists convicted under the original legislation for running a website. […]

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I’ll Be on KJFK in Reno Discussing the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act Today

I’ll be talking about the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act today on KJFK 1230 AM in Reno, Nevada. It’s the Air America affiliate there. “The Solution Zone” with Christiane Brown airs live at 3pm Pacific time, if you can tune in.

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I’ll Be on WORT 89.9 FM in Madison, WI Today Talking about the Green Scare (Audio Available)

I spoke with Wajid Jenkins of “A Public Affair” on WORT 89.9 FM in Madison, WI today about the Green Scare and the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act. Thanks again to Wajid for having me on the program. You can listen to the interview below, or through Madison Indymedia. [Audio clip: view full post to listen]

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President Bush Signs “Eco-terrorism” Bill Into Law

Bush signed the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act into law today. It got a passing mention at the bottom of this news release on the White House website: President Signs S. 435, S. 819, S. 1131, S. 2464, and S. 3880 On Monday, November 27, 2006, the President signed into law:

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War is Peace: How “Eco-terrorist” Scare-mongering Helped Pass the AETA

Industry groups have said again and again that Congress needed to pass the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act this week because the original legislation, the Animal Enterprise Protection Act, didn’t go far enough. There are loopholes in the law, they say, that allow for “tertiary targeting.” They also have said again and again that the expanded […]

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