Government Priorities

U.S. State Department Warns Corporations: “Never confront the protesters…most of them know what their rights are”

A PowerPoint presentation, leaked from a division of the State Department, reveals that the government is briefing corporations about animal rights activists and offering “countermeasures” to protect corporate profits. For years, the government has relentlessly pushed to label animal rights and environmental activists as “eco-terrorists” and domestic terrorists. The FBI even labels these groups the […]

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McCain’s Top Advisor: Terrorist Attack Would Be “Big Advantage” For Republicans

After reading Jeremy Beckham’s account of being detained and interrogated at the Canadian border about his activism, you might be wondering: What the hell are they thinking? When scarce law enforcement resources are being spent harassing student activists as “eco-terrorists,” doesn’t that detract time and energy from investigating true security threats? Don’t politicians think about […]

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Racists Vandalize PETA Building, But of Course That’s Not Terrorism

The danger of all this “terrorism” rhetoric is how politically malleable it is: industry groups can mold it into “eco-terrorism,” KFC can hammer it into “corporate terrorism” to smear Peta, and on and on and on. The word can be melted and reformed into a weapon against the latest enemy of the hour. The flipside […]

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The War That Never Ends…

Apologies to everyone for the lack of posts lately. I had to back away from the site because I’m trying to get another project rolling–cross your fingers on that one, and hopefully I’ll have exciting news to announce in coming months. Fortunately for, though, the “War on Terrorism” is a bit like a case […]

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Whalers Call Paul Watson “Eco-Terrorist,” Then Shoot Him

Call me Ishmael. I mean, call me an “eco-terrorist.” I mean, call the Japanese whalers complete hypocrites. So, you remember how whalers held members of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society hostage when the activists boarding the whaling boat in order to deliver a letter? Well now the whalers have turned to physical violence, shooting Paul […]

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Press, Feds Labeled Michigan State University Arson “Terrorism” in 2000

I’ve noticed that there’s a tendency, when people speak critically about the use of “terrorism” legislation and rhetoric to chill dissent, to act as if this is something that rose from the ashes of 9/11. As if the political opportunism we’re seeing now can only be explained as some kind of outgrowth of that tragedy. […]

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How to Make the Iraq War “Green”

I couldn’t resist posting this, in light of the recent controversy near Seattle, where luxury “green” homes were burned and the FBI suspects the Earth Liberation Front. Message boards and blogs have been lit by a surprising amount of support for the (alleged) motivations of the crime, and folks railing against “green washing.” (More on […]

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Radio and Print Coverage From Austin Green Scare Event

KVRX radio also aired the audio of my talk (the intro is from a student). Apologies if some parts are confusing, because I was using a projector for images and that doesn’t translate well for radio. But anyway, here it is. [Audio clip: view full post to listen] Also, The Daily Texan covered the event, […]

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Feds Go Hunting Internationally for “Domestic Terrorist”

When’s the last time you heard anything about Osama bin Laden? Yeah, same here. Bin Laden, the face of international terrorism, hasn’t been in the news much lately, and I can’t remember the last time I heard anything about the U.S. government making any headway on his capture. Meanwhile, U.S. law enforcement agencies are going […]

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KPFT Houston Interview on “Green Scare”

I was on KPFT 90.1 FM Houston & 89.5 Galveston with Janice Blue last week, talking about the trial of Briana Waters (starting in Washington Monday) and an update on the “Green Scare” more broadly. You can listen to it here.

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