Government Priorities

Radio Program on Green Scare (Potter Interviewed)

KPFT 90.1 FM Houston will air a program tonight, 7:30 p.m. CST, as part of the Weekend of Resistance to the Green Scare. You can listen to it online here, thanks to Indymedia. Or just click the button bellow. [Audio clip: view full post to listen]

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Oregon’s U.S. Attorney Talks Circles Around “Eco-Terrorism”

Willamette Week has an interview with Karin Immergut, Oregon’s U.S. attorney, with some decent questions about “domestic terrorism” and the round-ups in the Northwest. There’s not much substance in the answers, surprise surprise, but take a look at some of the rhetoric:

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New Article on Green Scare Published by Counterpunch

I have a new article in Counterpunch on how the government landed a conviction of nonviolent activists on “terrorism” charges. Check it out and please let me know what you think! Here’s an excerpt highlighted by the good folks at Food Fight: “It’s not enough to cowardly distance ourselves from the ‘eco-terrorists,’ as many did […]

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FBI on “Micro-Terrorism”

Labeling vandalism and theft as “terrorism” is quite a stretch, even for this administration. So the FBI PR shop has come up with a new spin: “micro-terrorism.”

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DHS Helps Corporations Fight Terrorism Like… “Flyer Distribution”?

The Department of Homeland Security distributed a bulletin on Thursday to help corporations fight “eco-terrorism” like “flyer distribution,” “graffiti,” and “tying up company phone lines.” Go ahead and laugh, but it gets worse.

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Who Are the Real “Eco-Terrorists”?

Today’s news search pulled up a great spin on the “eco-terror” buzz. The Philippine Daily Inquirer published a glowing piece about a former armed forces chief of staff turned secretary of the environment, Angelo Reyes. He created the country’s Environmental Protection Commission to go after eco-terrorists like “poachers, illegal loggers and other violators of the […]

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