“Domestic Terrorist” Aprons Now Available!

by Will Potter on June 23, 2008

in News

Check out the fancy new GreenIsTheNewRed.com online store! I’m excited about this; hopefully, with enough support, it will be able to defer website costs and maybe raise money for a few projects we have in the works. To kick things off right…

*”Domestic Terrorist” Apron
Domestic Terrorist Apron
“Domestic.” Terrorist. Get it? There’s nothing funny about the FBI labeling environmental and animal advocates the “number one domestic terrorism threat.” But with the Feds attempting to infiltrate vegan potlucks, why not accessorize?

Kim is shown here being a great sport and glamming up the “Green Scare.” These black aprons, screenprinted with green ink, have pockets and an adjustable strap. Happy “terrorizing”! (But be careful in the kitchen. Did you know tofu makes you gay?)


Thanks to Andrew for this Halloween-costume-idea-turned-merchandise-scheme, and thanks to Kim for the glamour shot.

What do you all think?

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