Fear-Mongering Friday: “Economic terrorists”

by Will Potter on January 4, 2008

in Terrorism Scare Mongering

Gather round, boys and girls, for a new feature on GreenIsTheNewRed.com called “Fear-Mongering Friday”!

Of course, everything on this website is related to how fear of “terrorism” is being exploited to push a political agenda (namely, to single out environmental and animal advocates). For these Friday features, though, I want to start your weekend off right by honoring those who are taking the fear-mongering to new heights.

This week:

Silly me, I thought I had heard it all. There was the grape thrower who was called a “social terrorist.” There was the children’s movie labeled “soft core eco-terrorism.” And there was the KFC spokeswoman who called Peta “corporate terrorists.”

A fur store owner in New York thought up a new one, though: “economic terrorist.”

Someone threw a brick through the window of his fur store. An attached note said “he profits off the suffering of animals,” according to Newsday.

Hmm. “Economic terrorism.” I’m always intrigued by the grammar of these new T-words. Does this mean that the vandals were terrorizing the economy? (If it is possible to terrorize a financial system, I think other forces are a bigger threat than vandals.) Or does an “economic terrorist” use the economy to terrorize? (If that’s the case, I think the term could more appropriately be applied elsewhere.) Any grammar nerds out there care to elucidate?

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