As Climate Summit Begins, U.S. Labels Mark Ruffalo an “Eco-terrorist”

Instead of focusing on “eco-terrorism,” the U.S. needs a substantive plan for addressing climate change.

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Puppy Mill Group Compares Prop B to “Obamacare” (Daily Show Video)

The group that fought the Puppy Mill Cruelty Prevention Act in Missouri says it is making us a “communist socialist society.”

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PA Homeland Security Firm Compares Rainforest Action Network to Al-Qaeda (Video)

I was on the Alyona Show last night talking emails between the PA Department of Homeland Security and a private counter-terrorism firm comparing environmental groups to Al-Qaeda.

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Terrorist Kitten Bomb (Video)

Bomb squad opens a terrorist package of cuteness. I believe Eco-Terrorist Kitteh was behind this.

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“Free Speech As Terrorism” Event at Georgetown Law School

I’ll be speaking at Georgetown Law School on Thursday, November 4 at 6pm. Other speakers include Shahid Buttar of the Bill of Rights Defense Committee, and Odette Wilkins of the Equal Justice Alliance. I’ll be talking about how the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act is part of a broader, coordinated campaign to chill free speech in the name of national security and fighting “terrorism.”

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Jordan Halliday Sentenced to 10 Months for Resisting Grand Jury

Utah animal rights activists Jordan Halliday was sentenced to an additional 10 months in prison today for refusing to testify before a federal grand jury.

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Tea Partiers Opposing “Radical” Anti-Puppy Mill Legislation

These folks, the ones who think that groups like the Humane Society are “radical” and “extremist,” they’re voting. Regardless of how you vote today, or whether you vote at all, please think about that.

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FBI Raids [Insert Social Movement Here] Activists

If activist communities are going to survive this repression and move forward, and if we are going to welcome others to join us, we must lay claim to a space between the extremes of patriotic naiveté and hopelessness.

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PA Homeland Security Bulletin Warned of Extremist “Recruitment” at Carriage Horse Protest

Intelligence bulletins warned that an animal rights protest against the use of carriage horses could be “a fertile recruiting or meeting ground” for extremists.

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FBI Raids in Midwest: New Tactics in Response to “Domestic Terrorism” Scrutiny

The government is blurring the lines between its domestic and international War(s) on Terrorism, conflating peace activists with foreign “terrorist organizations.”

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