New T-Shirts! “Activism Is Not Terrorism”

“Activism Is Not Terrorism.” New T-Shirts for animal rights activists, environmental activists and free speech advocates.

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BREAKING: AETA 4 Case Dismissed, But Re-Indictment Possible

A U.S. District Court has thrown out the indictment of four animal rights activists who were charged with violating the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, because the government did not clearly explain what, exactly, the protesters did.

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What’s the Difference Between the Supermax and Secretive Political Prisons Called CMUs?

Will Potter discusses the prison-within-a-prison Communications Management Units (CMUs) designed to silence non-violent activist prisoners, and why the erosion of individual rights (even of prisoners) negatively affects us all.

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Attorney Matthew Strugar Explains the AETA 4 Case (Video)

Here’s a great, short video explaining the case of the AETA 4, who are activists charged under the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act for protesting, chanting, and distributing fliers.

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“Jihad, Crips, extreme animal-rights activists, it’s all the same,” Says Homeland Security Official

An appellate court has refused to revisit the SHAC 7 case, and the lead prosecutor has compared animal rights activists to the Crips and Islamic “jihad.”

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Confidential Corporate “Risk Analysis” Says Placing Stickers on SUVs is Eco-Terrorism

Chances are, you have never heard of the Inkerman Group. I certainly hadn’t, until I began researching the web of faceless “risk mitigation” companies that help corporations identify threats to their profits. These companies producing briefing documents that identify business “threats,” including special interest groups, legislation, and even individual activists.

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Yale Event: Redefining “Terrorism” to Silence Non-violent Animal Rights Activists

I will be speaking at Yale with Andy Stepanian (of the SHAC 7, and a former CMU prisoner) about corporate campaigns to silence non-violent animal rights activists as “terrorists.” The event is June 13th (see the flier for details). If you’re in the area, please come! Andy is a fantastic speaker. PS: RSVP on Facebook […]

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Flowchart: “Are You a Terrorist”?

“Am I on a terrorist watchlist? Will I be labeled a terrorist?” People ask me questions like this all the time, especially political activists. Now you can find out if you are a terrorist using this convenient flow chart!

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Greenpeace Protesters Who Oppose Off-Shore Drilling Could Face Terrorism Charges

Seven members of Greenpeace have been arrested for painting anti-drilling slogans, in crude oil, on a drilling support ship in the Gulf. The New Orleans Joint Terrorism Task Force of the FBI “is looking into the matter” of whether the non-violent activists will face terrorism-related charges.

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20 Years Later: Remembering the Bombing of Judi Bari

Lessons from the car-bombing of Judi Bari and Darryl Cherney, two Earth First! activists, 20 years ago.

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