Glenn Beck is Our Real-Life Lewis Prothero

For the most part, I think it’s a waste of time to get wrapped up in Glenn Beck’s nonsense. Being absurd and bombastic is this guy’s schtick. He has made millions doing it. When people start calling books “evil,” though, I think that’s reason to pay attention.

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Environmentalists’ $100,000 Bail for Civil Disobedience

EmmaKate Martin and Benjamin Bryant took part in non-violent civil disobedience to blockade Massey Energy’s regional headquarters in Boone County, W.Va. Their bail was set at $100,000: higher than violent criminals receive.

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Why Activists Should Never Talk to the Police or FBI (Video)

A great talk by James Duane, a professor at Regent Law School and a former defense attorney, on why you should never talk to the police.

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FBI Harasses Sociology Professor Who Has Spoken Against Labeling His Student a “Terrorist”

David Pellow, a Professor of Sociology at the University of Minnesota, has been outspoken against the government’s attempts to label his student, Scott DeMuth, a terrorist. Recently the FBI came knocking at his door.

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Win a Signed Copy of “Operation Bite Back”!

Submit a quick letter against secretive political prisons called Communications Management Units and win a signed copy of Operation Bite Back.

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Obama: Suspected Terrorists Shouldn’t Be Informed of Their Miranda Rights

The Obama administration said this week it would support a law to allow interrogating terrorism suspects, including U.S. citizens, without informing them of their rights to remain silent and speak with an attorney.

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Former Prisoner at Secretive CMU Tells the Story of One Man Still There

Andy Stepanian of the SHAC 7 speaks out against secretive prisons called Communication Management Units.

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Arizona’s “Show Me Your Papers” Law is About More than Immigration

Why activists of all social movements should oppose two dangerous new laws in Arizona.

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Bill to Revoke “Terrorists’” Citizenship is Like Those From Darker Periods of U.S. History

Americans accused of being involved with terrorist organizations, even if they have never been convicted of a crime, could have their citizenship revoked and could be deported under the Terrorist Expatriation Act.

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Did “Eco-Terrorists” Cause the Gulf Oil Spill?

The oil spill in the Gulf is on track to surpass the Exxon Valdez as the worst environmental disaster in U.S. history. That doesn’t bode well financially for BP, and it doesn’t bode well politically for the drill-baby-drill crowd. So how has the far right responded? By trying to blame it on “eco-terrorists.” Rush Limbaugh, […]

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