Take Action Against Secretive Political Prisons

The federal Bureau of Prisons has quietly submitted a proposal to make the secretive, political prisons called Communications Management Units permanent. As part of that process, there is a required public comment period, where individuals and organizations can register their opposition. This is a process required by the Administrative Procedures Act, and it should have […]

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Vegan Bake Sales and “Domestic Terrorist” Aprons on CNN

CNN has a great article up, “Global bake sale is ‘sweet’ vegan activism.” It features the fantastic Jasmin Singer of Our Hen House, who has what may be the best quote I have ever seen on CNN: (CNN) — When animal rights activist Jasmin Singer found herself face to face with a scientist who conducts […]

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Special Earth Day Issue of Resistance Magazine Out Now

The new issue of Resistance magazine is out, taking a look at the environmental movement on the 40th anniversary of Earth Day.

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Street of Dreams: ELF Arson, or Insurance Scheme?

Remember when someone set fire to so-called “green” mansions in a Seattle suburb? The builders of the Street of Dreams rushed to label it “eco-terrorism” by the Earth Liberation Front, and so did the FBI. They pointed to a banner left at the scene that said, “Built green? Nope Black!” At the time I wrote […]

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Key Supporter of “Animal Enterprise Terrorism” Law Suspended for Animal Welfare Violations

Michele Basso, who campaigned to label animal rights activists as “terrorists,” is suspended for animal cruelty.

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From Earth Day to “Eco-Terrorism”

Today is the 40th anniversary of Earth Day and everyone, it seems, is “going green.” With widespread oil shortages due to peak oil looming within five years, and the startling effects of climate change becoming shockingly clear, environmentalism is more accepted and urgently needed than ever. So why is the “number one domestic terrorism threat,” […]

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3 Reasons Animal Rights Activists Should Support the Supreme Court’s Decision on Dog-Fighting Videos

The Supreme Court has struck down a federal law targeting “depictions of animal cruelty,” including dog-fighting and “crush” videos. And that’s a very good thing for animal rights activists.

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What Was it Again the Terrorists Hate?

Oh yeah, our freedom. I love this cartoon from Tom Toles. Seems particularly appropriate to share now, even though it is a bit old, after lawmakers caved to the FBI during Patriot Act reauthorization debates, and a court ruled the Bush administration and the NSA illegally wiretapped two attorneys. Thanks to Jason at Zombie Popcorn […]

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Video on Secretive Communciations Management Units

This week we learned that the government has proposed making secretive prisons for “domestic terrorists,” which have been operating for 3 years on U.S. soil, permanent. In this video Rachel Meeropol and Alexis Agathocleous, attorneys at the Center for Constitutional Rights, discuss the lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of Communications Management Units, or CMUs:

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Government Acknowledges Secretive Prisons for “Domestic Terrorists,” Proposes Making Them Permanent

Communications Management Units have been operating for more than three years on U.S. soil. The Bureau of Prisons wants to make them permanent.

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