Interview in “Journal of Aesthetics & Protest” on Labeling Activists as Terrorists

I was interviewed by Dara Greenwald for the Journal of Aesthetics & Protest about the Green Scare, and labeling political activists as domestic terrorists. One area that was particularly interesting, and has not been discussed much on this site, is the implications of all this for artists. Check out the interview for a bit more […]

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Canadian Politician Says PETA Throwing a Pie is Terrorism

A PETA activist pied the Fisheries Minister of Canada, as a publicity stunt to draw attention to Canada’s seal slaughter, and now a member of parliament says the pieing should be investigated as an act of terrorism. The Globe and Mail reports that the member of parliament, Gerry Byrne, said: “When someone actually coaches or […]

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A Post-9/11 Look at Martin Luther King

In honor of the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., here are a few stories we’ve published in the past about King’s legacy, and how his actions might be viewed in today’s political climate: Remembering MLK the “Terrorist” MLK Speech on Civil Disobedience, I mean, “Terrorism” Terrorism Law Passed as Lawmakers Honor MLK Image CC licensed […]

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What’s At Stake With the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act? (Radio Interview)

I recently interviewed with Dylan Powell about the AETA 4, Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty, Obama, mainstream media, and DC hardcore. I think it turned out to be one of the most interesting radio discussions I’ve been part of, because Dylan is so well-versed on these issues and we had a great conversation trying to pull […]

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McDonald’s Going Green(washing) With New Logo

McDonald’s has rolled out a new logo in France, replacing the iconic red background of the golden arches with green. Here’s some info from ZLOK design blog, and here is where I saw the story originally (although I can barely stumble through the French!), at There has been so much fluff news lately about […]

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Doormat That Belongs at Every Activist’s Home

I love, love, love these doormats. Too bad they already sold out at after being featured on BoingBoing. Crossing my fingers the company who made these will come out with a “You Can Talk to My Attorney.” On a more serious note, if you are an activist who has experienced harassment because of your […]

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Whalers Ram Sea Shepherd Ship, Ignore Distress Calls of the Crew

New video shows Japanese whalers changing course to intentionally ram the Sea Shepherd’s Ady Gil as the high-tech ship sat idly in freezing waters. The ship was destroyed and a Sea Shepherd crew member suffered cracked ribs, according to news reports. What’s even more disturbing is the Japanese ship, which was many times the size […]

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Avatar Labeled “Recruiting Film for Eco-terrorists”

Avatar earned $1 billion in two weeks, already making it the fourth-biggest-grossing movie to date. James Cameron said early on it would cost, and make, ridiculous amounts of money. He also said it has been a dream of his for more than a decade. According to industry groups and right wing pundits, though, the film […]

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State-Level “Eco-Terror” Legislation Pushed by Corporate Front Groups

The National Lawyers Guild has a new report on state-level versions of the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act that have been popping up around the country. As I’ve reported here previously, on laws such as the California Animal Enterprise Protection Act, they use sweeping, overly broad definitions of terrorism that are, in some cases, even worse […]

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Grad Student Indicted on Terrorism Charges

As a follow up to David Pellow’s guest post, “My Student is a Sociologist, Not a Terrorist,” here is an update from his grad student facing terrorism charges, Scott DeMuth. DeMuth has been indicted for conspiracy to commit “animal enterprise terrorism” in relation to the unsolved Animal Liberation Front raid at the University of Iowa. […]

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