My Student is a Sociologist, Not a Terrorist

The following is a guest essay written by David Naguib Pellow, a Professor of Sociology at the University of Minnesota and faculty advisor of Scott DeMuth: On November 17, 2009, Scott DeMuth was jailed for contempt of court, since he refused to answer questions posed to him by a federal grand jury in Davenport, Iowa. […]

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Vegan Chef Sarah Kramer is a “Domestic Terrorist”

Sarah Kramer makes “domestic” terrorism look good. Check out some of her fantastic vegan cookbooks below, including Vegan a Go-Go and the classic How It All Vegan. If you buy them through these Amazon links, a portion will be donated to And holidays are coming up, folks, so show the domestic terrorists in your […]

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Scott Demuth Free Despite Emergency Government Motion Labeling Him an “Anarchist”

The government filed an emergency motion to keep an activist in jail because he is an “anarchist” and “domestic terrorist” who associates with a “subversive,” but in a response issued Monday, an Iowa district court didn’t buy it. Scott Demuth will be released pending his trial. Demuth has been indicted on animal enterprise terrorism charges […]

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PETA Classified as a “Terrorist Threat” by the USDA

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals has been classified as as a “terrorist threat” in a document created by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The USDA created a new “APHIS Facility Security Profile” form to send to animal experimentation facilities. Recipients were asked to answer about their experiences, and return the form to the […]

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ELF Fugitive Sentenced for Drug Charges in China

Justin Solondz, an environmental activist who was wanted by the FBI for “eco-terrorism” charges tied to the Earth Liberation Front, has been sentenced to 3 years in a Chinese prison for manufacturing drugs. Back in June I reported on his arrest via Twitter, and now much more details have emerged about his life overseas and […]

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Minneapolis Activist Indicted for Conspiracy to Violate Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act

Scott DeMuth, a Minneapolis activist, has been indicted for conspiracy to violate the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, apparently in relation to a 2004 Animal Liberation Front raid at the University of Iowa. He faces up to 5 years in prison. His indictment marks a continued expansion of the scope of the new terrorism law, which […]

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Ag Industry Calls for Prosecutions of Undercover Animal Activists

After being repeatedly exposed for serious, systemic animal cruelty, and now facing a media nightmare, animal agriculture corporations are firing back by calling for the prosecution of undercover activists who expose the abuses. The Animal Agriculture Alliance says: As these videos achieve the publicity sought by the groups, the Alliance is concerned that the activist […]

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UK Police Spying Began With Animal Rights Activists Then Expanded to Other Groups

UK police gathered personal information on thousands of activists who simply attend protests or political meetings, and created national databases.

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Sea Shepherd’s New Terrorist-Ninja-Batmobile-Ship

From EcoRazzi: And so it begins: Earthrace, one of the fastest powerboats on the planet, has been given a full Sea Shepherd makeover. From kevlar body armor to undetectable broadband radar, nightvision systems, Iridium openport comms, and a new paint job that actually scatters radar signals and provides additional stealth. If Earthrace was badass before, […]

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Pet Shop Protesters Shot–Will It Be Labeled Terrorism?

Animal rights activists shot at Pet Shop protest.

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