Activist to Iowa Grand Jury: “We will not be intimidated. We will not cooperate.”

Carrie Feldman refuses to cooperate with a grand jury that apparently is investigating an ALF raid at the University of Iowa.

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Know Your Rights Booklet for Activists

The Center for Constitutional Rights has a great new legal guide for activists called “If An Agent Knocks.” From CCR: Federal law enforcement agencies like the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) have a dark history of targeting radical and progressive movements. Some of the dirty tricks they use against these movements include: the infiltration of […]

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Appellate Court: Encouraging Civil Disobedience is Not Protected Speech

The conviction of the SHAC 7–animal rights activists hit with “terrorism” charges for publishing a website and vocally, unapologetically supporting direct action–has been upheld by a U.S. appellate court. It is a landmark free speech ruling that lowers the threshold of what types of conduct are protected by the First Amendment, and upholds a law […]

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Breaking: SHAC 7 Conviction Upheld

Judgement in the SHAC 7 appeal has just been filed, convictions have been upheld and so has the constitutionality of the Animal Enterprise Protection Act. Reading it now and will post more soon…

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Jordan Halliday Faces Trial on Contempt Charges for Resisting Grand Jury

A Utah animal rights activist has been indicted by a federal grand jury on felony contempt charges for asserting his First and Fifth Amendment rights, and refusing to cooperate with the “animal rights terrorism” witch hunt. His trial is scheduled to begin on November 2. The grand jury is investigating the release of thousands of […]

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Government Arrests Activist for Twitter, Army Warns that Vegetarians and Terrorists May Follow

Two activists have been arrested for using Twitter to communicate during the G20 protests, another step in the continued, escalating attack on First Amendment rights in the name of combating “extremism” and “terrorism.” Elliot Madison is a social worker and anarchist who was arrested in Pittsburgh on Sept. 24 and “charged with hindering apprehension or […]

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Jacob Ferguson, Lead ELF Arsonist, Interviews with CNN

Jake Ferguson was the lead arsonist in the “Operation Backfire” Earth Liberation Front actions in the Northwest. He was involved in more than a dozen arsons, more crimes than any other defendant. But he is walking the streets, free, because he became a government informant. He wore a wire and entrapped his friends into make […]

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Breaking: Jeff Free Luers Released From Prison Early

Jeff “Free” Luers was released from prison early today after a Lane County Circuit Court Judge signed a supplemental judgment granting him an additional 30 percent reduction in his total incarceration time. In 2001, Luers was sentenced to 22 years, 8 months in prison for burning three SUVs in the name of defending the environment. […]

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Environmentalist Arrested for Attempted ELF Arson in California

An environmental activist has been arrested in connection with the 2006 attempted arson of homes under construction in Pasadena, California. The government says the action is connected to the Earth Liberation Front. The FBI alleges that DNA found on cigarettes left at the scene (as part of the incendiary device) matched the DNA of Stephen […]

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Animal Rights Protesters Face Higher Sentences than Racist Cross Burners

Four animal rights activists are facing charges under the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act for chanting, demonstrating with masks covering their faces, and chalking defamatory slogans on the sidewalk. If convicted, the “AETA 4,”—Joseph Buddenburg, Maryam Khajavi, Nathan Pope, and Adriana Stumpo—could be sentenced to 5-10 years in prison. The AETA 4 case is a startling […]

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