Green Scare Benefit CD Featuring Peregrine and Auryn

Peregrine and Auryn have put out a Green Scare benefit CD, and were kind enough to offer a box of them for sale on “Shackles, interrogation, their prisons, their profits, their jails detain, but they can’t kill this rage.” Only $8, postage paid, and every dollar goes to raising awareness of the Green Scare […]

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Monkey Wrench Gang Movie With Matthew McConaughey as Hayduke

Ed Abbey’s classic The Monkey Wrench Gang is being made into a big-budget Hollywood movie starring–wait for it– Matthew McConaughey and John Goodman. And the director of “Twilight” is set to direct. I feel ill. The Monkey Wrench Gang is Abbey’s classic tale of George Hayduke, an ex-Green Beret, leading a band of outlaws in […]

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Animal Rights Activist Jailed at Secretive Prison Gives First Account of Life Inside “CMU”

This morning Andy Stepanian and I were on Democracy Now talking about secretive political prisons called Communications Management Units. Stepanian is believed to be the first inmate ever released from one of the secretive facilities; he is one of the SHAC 7, a group of animal rights activists convicted of “animal enterprise terrorism” for running […]

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The Impact of “Terrorism” Legislation on the Anarchist Movement, an Interview with interview on the impact of terrorism legislation on anarchists and the anarchist movement, including labeling anarchists as terrorists.

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Activist Accused of “Advocating Literature and Materials Which Advocate Anarchy”

Hugh Farrell and Gina “Tiga” Wertz have their first court date on July 14th: they’ve been charged with racketeering-–charges originally intended to target the mob–-for allegedly “conspiring” to engage in tree sits, participate in non-violent civil disobedience, and make an inflammatory blog post against the I-69 NAFTA superhighway. When I reported on their arrest, though, […]

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Jessica Alba Apologizes for “Eco-terrorism,” Doesn’t Even Get a Slap on the Wrist

Continuing the theme of the last few weeks, here’s another one for the Blatant Hypocrisy file. Photos surfaced that show Jessica Alba “defacing Oklahoma City property with posters of a great white shark.” The posters were about the declining numbers of the species, and were glued to a downtown bridge and at least one billboard. […]

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Church Sues After Being “Terrorized” by Gay Activists Kissing

A right-wing Christian group and an anti-gay Michigan church are suing gay activists who “terrorized” the congregation by protesting, distributing leaflets and kissing. The far-right Alliance Defense Fund is taking on the lawsuit on behalf of Delta Township’s Mount Hope Church, which was “invaded” by queers in November. Accounts of the day differ, of course, […]

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White Supremacist Opens Fire at Holocaust Museum, But Will it Be Labeled “Terrorism”?

A White Supremacist and Holocaust denier, James W Von Brunn, opened fire at the Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C. this afternoon, wounding at least one person before being shot in the head. That makes the second violent attack by right-wing extremists in about three weeks. Meanwhile, the “radical” animal rights and environmental movements have not […]

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Daniel McGowan: “Tales from Inside the U.S. Gitmo”

The Huffington Post has published a letter from Daniel McGowan about his transfer to a Communication Management Unit without notice, without explanation, and without due process for appeal. [Here is some background on Communication Management Units, if you are unfamiliar.] Here’s an excerpt from Daniel McGowan’s essay on the Huffington Post: Many of the men […]

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Secretive U.S. Prisons Discussed on AntiWar Radio

I had a great discussion with Scott Horton of AntiWar Radio about the secretive U.S. prison units being used to house political prisoners. These Communication Management Units are being used to keep people like Daniel McGowan and Rafil Dhafir out of the public spotlight, and deprive them of basic due process rights because of their […]

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