Ann Coulter Speaking Lovingly of Joseph McCarthy Then Getting Schooled by Al Franken

This clip is about two years old, but it’s too good to keep to myself. At The Connecticut Forum, Ann Coulter says her hero is Joseph McCarthy (I mean, what’s not to love? Blacklists, naming names, ruining lives– a true American icon whose legacy lives on). She then says if she could be anyone in […]

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How Corporate Provocateurs Made Fran Trutt an “Animal Rights Terrorist”

Corporate provocateurs turned Fran Trutt into an “animal rights terrorist.”

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Grand Jury 101 From the Rockford Files

A Utah animal rights activist, Jordan Halliday, has been jailed for refusing to testify before a grand jury about his political beliefs and political associations. But you know what, he’s in good company. Check out this clip of Jim Rockford in the Rockford Files as he is hauled before a grand jury and jailed for […]

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Eugene Benefit for Animal Activists Arrested as “Terrorists”

I’m about to head off to Drake University, and then the Northwest for a mini speaking tour, and wanted to let you all know about another event. I’ll be speaking at the Civil Liberties Defense Center in Eugene, OR with Lauren Regan on Thursday, March 26 at 6pm. There will be a potluck and letter […]

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Chuck Norris Advocating Armed Revolution and Terrorist “Cell” Tactics

Chuck Norris says it may soon be time for the violent overthrow of the U.S. government, and he’s organizing “cells” around the country.

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Let Live Conference in Portland–This is Going to Be Great

Last year’s Let Live Conference was the first ever, but you’d never know it. It was one of the best conferences I’ve ever participated in, because the organizers pulled together such a diverse group of speakers and the whole thing ran amazingly smoothly. (You might remember an incident involving a rollerblade birthday cake, but we […]

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Portland AETA 4 Benefit With Peter Young and Will Potter

Hey Portland: Another benefit for the AETA 4 when I’m in town. This one with former animal liberation prisoner Peter Young. Young was prosecuted using the original version of the Animal Enterprise Protection Act for releasing mink from fur farms. The recent arrests, under the new Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, are for largely First Amendment […]

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Animal Rights Activists Indicted as “Terrorists” For Home Protests

When four animal rights activists were arrested under the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, it was unclear how prosecutors would proceed, and what specific accusations the activists would face. Now, the government indictment, available here for the first time, makes it strikingly clear that prosecutors intend to use terrorism laws to target First Amendment activity.

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“Good Time Bill” Could Reduce Prison Times for Environmentalists and Animal Rights Activists

I have sat through so many sentencing hearings for environmentalists and animal rights activists when the judges and prosecutors have noted, and even applauded, how activists are not like “typical” defendants. By this, they mean that the defendants have solid education backgrounds (some even pursuing law degrees and master’s degrees while incarcerated), they have supportive […]

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American Idol Star Carrie Underwood Accused of “Supporting Domestic Terrorists”

American Idol star Carrie Underwood is donating a portion of the proceeds from her new single to the Humane Society of the United States, and getting accused of supporting “animal rights terrorists.” One of my favorite lines so far: “Carrie Underwood may think she is supporting puppies and kittens, but she needs to understand that […]

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