Connecting the RNC 8 “Terrorism” Case to the Green Scare

When I was in Minneapolis, I sat down with a few local Indymedia journalists and Friends of the RNC 8 to talk about the connections between the RNC 8 case (above-ground community organizers facing terrorism charges for organizing mass protests against the Republican National Convention) and the broader Green Scare. “The government has been starting […]

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Government Says Protesting Republicans is Terrorism, but Bombing the Oklahoma City Building Isn’t (Audio)

I interviewed with Lydia Howell at KFAI 90.3 FM in the Twin Cities about the RNC 8, the Green Scare, and who is–and isn’t–being labeled “terrorists.” I’m heading out to Minneapolis tomorrow for a few speaking events, one at the law school on the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act and one on the Green Scare more […]

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Hunter S. Thompson’s Wisdom on Courage in the Face of the Green Scare

It has been a bad week. I know this site is, by its nature, never going to be as comforting as LOL cats (although, we have one of those as well). But many folks have written privately and said how the sentencing of Marie Mason hit them especially hard. I feel the same way. A […]

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Utah Bill Would Make Environmentalists Like Tim DeChristopher “Eco-Terrorists”

Yesterday’s article on the sentencing of Marie Mason to prison, as a terrorist, for 22 years has made quite a buzz. Nearly everywhere the piece has been posted (news sites, environmental sites, Digg, punk forums) there has been a slew of angry comments (by “green” folks, no less) supporting her sentence and condemning illegal activity. […]

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Environmentalist Sentenced to 21 Years as a “Terrorist”; Violent Racists Receive Half That

I’ve written a lot of articles like this, when prison sentences are handed down to activists who have been labeled “terrorists” for property crimes, and instead of getting easier it just keeps getting harder. It’s getting harder to write about this rationally, calmly. These cases are getting worse, folks. The government is growing increasingly aggressive […]

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The Government’s 7-Step Process for Convicting Environmentalists as Terrorists

Despite my deep-seated distaste for all things Baltimore (my apologies to folks in Bawlmor, but your town and I don’t seem to get along), I’ve been watching HBO’s The Wire on Netflix. The series—created by David Simon, a 13-year-veteran of the The Baltimore Sun—is structured so that each episode is a small piece in a […]

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Minneapolis Event: “The Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act: Examining the Chilling Effect of Eco-Terrorism Legislation”

We just lined up another event in Minneapolis next week. This one is focused specifically on the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, and taking a step by step look at how the legislation works, how it was passed, and what happens now. Later that evening, I’ll be speaking at the U of M on the Green […]

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Feds Hope to Set an Example With “Eco-terrorist” Who Refused to Snitch: Marie Mason Faces 20 Years

Before Marie Mason ever set foot in the courtroom, before the ink on her indictment had even dried, the government was smearing her as a “terrorist.” At a press conference announcing her arrest, an FBI agent said “domestic terrorism is a top priority of the FBI.” A police chief called the 1999 Earth Liberation Front […]

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Bloomberg Say Terrorist Groundhogs Being Trained by Al-Qaeda

You know what’s awful about this? I mean, what’s really, really awful? That when I first saw this story over at the New York Times, I didn’t even chuckle. I mean, the government has labeled animal rights and environmental activists as the “number one domestic terrorist threat.” So when this groundhog bit Bloomberg, why not […]

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Jeff Luers Speaks on the Green Scare, and Being Labeled an “Eco-Terrorist”

Over at Mostly Water, Marlena Gangi has an interesting interview with Jeff Luers. Jeff “Free” Luers was sentenced to 22 years and eight months for burning three SUVs at the Romania Chevrolet in Eugene, Ore. His case rose to international attention because of the aggressive attempts by the government to label him an “eco-terrorist,” and […]

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