South Dakota “Eco-terrorism” Law Shot Down as Unnecessary

Good news from South Dakota: a state House committee shot down an “animal rights terrorism” bill proposed by the university. The bill was nearly identical to new, sweeping “animal enterprise terrorism” legislation in California. Similar laws have been pushed around the country by right-wing groups like the American Legislative Exchange Council (you might remember the […]

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Pat Boone Warns of “Sexual Jihadists” and HOMO-grown “Terrorists”

You remember that terrorist attack in Mumbai? With hundreds of people dead and India and Pakistan–nuclear powers–facing off? Well, you know what that’s like? Gay people who want to get married! From Pat Boone’s column in WorldNetDaily: What troubles me so deeply, and should trouble all thinking Americans, is that there is a real, unbroken […]

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Head of Center for Consumer Freedom Called a “Despicable Man” by His Own Son

Rick Berman has no shortage of enemies. He and his various front groups have been the hired guns for a laundry list of nasty corporations, smearing anyone for a buck (including Mothers Against Drunk Driving or, as Stephen Colbert calls them, “O-mamma bin Laden”). I’ve written here about one of his groups, the Center for […]

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Activism Labeled “Blackmail,” UK Animal Activists Sentenced to 4-11 Years in Prison

Seven animal rights activists in the U.K. were sentenced to up to 11 years in prison Wednesday for “conspiracy to blackmail” in their campaign to shut down the notorious animal testing laboratory Huntingdon Life Sciences.

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Obama: “Silencing Dissent” is on “Wrong Side of History”

One of the most common questions I’m asked at speaking events and in media interviews is, “Will all of this–the Green Scare, labeling activists as “eco-terrorists,” domestic spying, and more–get better with Obama?” And my answer is always a resounding “maybe, but probably not.” A line from Barack Obama’s inaugural address yesterday caught my attention […]

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Herbivore Magazine Article on the SHAC 7: “The World Takes? How corporations and politicians turned animal rights activists into terrorists”

[This was published by Herbivore Magazine in one of their mini-books a while back. I realized I hadn’t posted it here, and it’s not available anywhere else online. Hope you enjoy it.] "The World Takes? How corporations and politicians turned animal rights activists into terrorists," Herbivore, Volume 13, 26-48. By WILL POTTER On some days […]

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Minneapolis: The Green Scare — Using Terrorism Laws to Silence Political Activists

I’m really looking forward to this event in Minneapolis, even though it’ll be very c-c-c-cold for this Texan. The topic is particularly relevant for Minneapolis right now, as it is the home of the RNC8, a group of activists being railroaded with felony “terrorism” charges because they were prominent, outspoken, effective organizers against the Republican […]

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Vegan Terrorists Eat Hummus, Just Like Al Qaeda

By former Los Angeles Times cartoonist Tony Peyser:

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Recap of the Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty “Terrorism” Appeal in Philadelphia

When the animal rights group Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty (SHAC) posted news of both legal and illegal conduct on its website, and publicly supported a variety of tactics in the movement to shut down the notorious animal testing lab Huntingdon Life Sciences, they were acting as “generals” in a campaign of “terrorism,” the U.S. government […]

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“El Verde Es El Nuevo Rojo”: Green Scare Interview with Will Potter, English and Spanish

At a recent Green Scare benefit, I met two amazing activists from Colombia who are working with a few independent media projects, including Radio Libre. They’re raising awareness of the Green Scare, and how activists in the U.S. are being labeled “eco-terrorists,” because they feel many of these scare-mongering tactics can be exported to other […]

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