Full-page New York Times Ad Calls Humane Society “Terrorists”

A full-page ad in today’s The New York Times accuses the Humane Society of “helping an animal rights terrorism group.” The ad was bought by the Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF), a front group that represents the fast food, meat and dairy industries. You might remember CCF from when they attacked Mothers Against Drunk Driving […]

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FBI Still Investigating Traffic Jam From 4 Years Ago

If anyone is looking for work in this failing economy, you might consider sending your resume to the FBI. Times are getting tight for everyone, but it seems the bureau has enough resources lying around to investigate a box left near the highway four years ago. [“The FBI and the Box of Secrets”… wasn’t that […]

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“Eco-Terrorist” LOL Cat?

This is what happens when ya’ll leave me unsupervised on holidays. This kittie may be as adorable as his pals over at iCanHasCheezburger.com, but don’t be deceived. He’s part of the “number one domestic terrorist threat.” The original photo was sent to me by activists in California, protesting animal researchers connected to UCLA. Here’s more […]

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Bank to “Eco-Terrorists”: Don’t worry, we’ll take your money, too!

We’ve seen Adidas endorsing “eco-terrorism” in their ads. Now HSBC, one of the largest banks in the world, has an ad that’s an epic terrorist love story complete with tree sitters, folk music, and happy, apolitical ending. Here’s the summary: Cops are attacking environmental activists, pulling them from tree sits, using pain compliance holds, carting […]

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FBI: “Eco-terrorists” Are Bigger Threat Than Osama bin Laden, Hate Crimes, and Attempts to Assassinate Obama

Come December 7, it will have been three years since the “Operation Backfire” arrests of Earth Liberation Front members, for a string of arsons and property crimes in the Northwest that caused upwards of $48 million in damages. Those defendants were hit with “terrorism enhancement” penalties for their crimes, which never harmed anyone, and are […]

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Earth Liberation Front Press Office Returns, Issues Warning to Obama

I was outside the White House on election night, and I don’t know if I can accurately describe how surreal it felt. I left work at about two in the morning with a friend and we saw hundreds, if not thousands, of people moving down 16th Street to the White House. Along the way folks […]

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“Animal Planet Collaborated with Eco-Terrorists”

So it hasn’t been verified, but it looks like Al Qaeda released another video today, attacking Barack Obama and warning of future terrorism and bloodshed. You might be asking yourselves such questions as: If Obama “pals around with terrorists,” why don’t these terrorists want to pal around with him? And what ever happened to that […]

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Palin Says “I Don’t Know” If Anti-Abortion Murderers are Terrorists

First, an apology for being AWOL, and the lack of blog posts. This election–you might have heard of it, between Barack Obama and Emperor Palpatine?–is kicking my ass. And some of you know that I’m in school at night at Johns Hopkins, finishing my master’s, and my final draft of my thesis is due Monday. […]

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“Give Capitalism the Creeps” This Halloween?

You know what’s pretty creepy (besides the fact that so much of the country would actually put McCain/Palin at the helm of the U.S.S. Empire)? The fact that it’s so easy to scare the crap out of corporations. It looks like someone posted a flier on Infoshop and elsewhere calling on those who care about […]

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Student Arrested As “Terrorist” For Writing About Zombies

I love Halloween. But nothing compares to the political horror show that is the “War on Terrorism”… A student in Kentucky has been arrested, faces felony charges, and has been labeled a “terrorist” for writing a short story about zombies. “My story is based on fiction,” said Poole, who faces a second-degree felony terrorist threatening […]

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