Nuns Put on “Domestic Terrorist” List

Last week I wrote about how some Homeland Security officials don’t think Timothy McVeigh is a terrorist, but peace activists, animal rights activists, pro-choice activists and environmentalists are. You know who else are terrorists? Nuns! The Saginaw News reports that among the 53 non-violent activists labeled as “terrorists” in that Maryland operation are two Dominican […]

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The Truth About Violence at the RNC and DNC Protests

Activists are branded as “extremists” leading up to mass protests, and militarized police respond with violence.

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Local Sheriff Buys a Tank, Others Clamor to Fight “Domestic Terrorists”

In what I can only attribute to one-too-many viewings of Red Dawn, the Sheriff Leon Lott of Richland County, South Carolina bought his department a tank. Oh, excuse me, an “armored personnel carrier”… with a .50-cal turreted machine gun. For all you city slickers, .50-cal means f’n HUGE. From Reason: Sheriff Leon Lott has charmingly […]

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Homeland Security Says Timothy McVeigh Isn’t a Terrorist, But Peace Activists Are

This is what fighting “terrorism” in this country has become. Timothy McVeigh is responsible for the Oklahoma City Bombing, the deadliest act of terrorism in this country prior to 9/11, killing 168 people, but a Homeland Security official says he’s not a terrorist. Neither is Eric Rudolph, who killed two people and injured hundreds others […]

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Obama “Pals Around With Terrorists”: What About You?

As McCain’s campaign is sinking, and it’s getting harder and harder to differentiate Sarah Palin from Tina Fey, his campaign team has pulled out a tactic straight from the “Green Scare” playbook. Palin has said Barack Obama “pals around with terrorists” because he has worked with the same organizations as Bill Ayers, a former member […]

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Are Your Grandparents “Eco-terrorists”?

Do you know where your grandparents are? Sure, you might think Nana is at home watching Touched by an Angel, and gramps is puttering around the garage, but they might be out waging guerilla warfare in the name of the environment. Check out this video of a 72-year-old man keying a Hummer in the student […]

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MLK Speech on Civil Disobedience, I mean, “Terrorism”

I’ve written before about how Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. would be labeled a “terrorist” for his tactics, and radical politics. But when I heard these speeches by Dr. King about his opposition to the Vietnam War (when others were urging him to remain “single issue”) and his unwavering support for civil disobedience… well, it […]

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Bob Barker Video Supporting the “Terrorist” Animal Liberation Front

Bob Barker, former host of the Price is Right, says: “I think that the ALF, the Animal Liberation Front, is probably, has in recent years, probably been one of the most effective, if not the most effective, element of the animal rights movement.” Yep, the clip is real. It was dug up and included in […]

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Insane Terrorism Drill: Animal Rights Activists With Hostages

A terrorism scenario in the nation’s largest homeland security drill involved animal rights activists holding hostages, at gun point. Seriously. From The Daily Californian, “Urban Shield Tests Police Ability”: The atmosphere is surprisingly relaxed, despite the fact that terrorists protesting animal research have taken a hostage in a UC Berkeley building and are threatening to […]

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Green Scare Flickr Group, and an “Eco-terrorist” Teen Love Story

There’s now a GreenIsTheNewRed Flickr account, as well as a Green Scare Flickr group! I’m hoping ya’ll will enjoy them, for a few reasons: You can easily post these photos to your blogs and websites through Flickr. You can submit your own images to the group: benefit fliers, photos of Green Scare defendants, protest photos, scare-mongering ads, and […]

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