Man Drives Over Bicyclists, Then Calls Them “Eco-terrorists”

A Seattle man who drove his Subaru through a group of Critical Mass bike riders has called the cyclists… wait for it… “eco-terrorists.” It seems that the lunatic driver, Mark, says he felt intimidated and afraid because of the cyclists, so he tried to rev his engine and instead accidentally put a couple people in […]

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Vermont Law Review Symposium: “The Threat of Unpopular Ideas”

I’m excited to be speaking at the Vermont Law Review symposium on October 17th. I’ll be speaking about “The Threat of Unpopular Ideas,” and domestic “eco-terrorism” and “domestic terrorism” laws like the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act. The event is on October 17th at Vermont Law School in South Royalton, VT. Thanks very much to the […]

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Cops Spying on HoneyBaked Ham Protestors and Peace Activists

Two activists who handed out vegan pamphlets outside of a HoneyBaked Ham store– and were harassed, spied on, and arrested for it– can proceed with a lawsuit against the cops, a federal appeals court recently ruled. Caitlin Childs and Christopher Freeman were leafletting in an Atlanta suburb in 2003. Here’s much more from the ACLU, […]

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“Eco-Terrorists” Respond to Roundup of Lawful Activists by Freeing Animals

On May 21st in Austria, the government carried out an unprecedented round-up of the country’s most prominent, above-ground, lawful animal advocates. Some of them have been on hunger strike in protest. The Guardian reports that “shelter workers, animal welfare teachers and public campaign organizers” are held “under suspicion of membership in ‘a criminal organisation.’” Well, […]

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Tennessee Politician: “Eco-terrorists are, uh, I guess left-wing eco-greenies”

“Eco-terrorism” is a buzzword that corporations and the politicians who represent them have been throwing around more and more since 9/11. But like the bigger T-word, it’s a term without much of a definition. “Eco-terrorism” has been used to describe burning SUVs, and other property crimes by the Animal Liberation Front and Earth Liberation Front. […]

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Woman Sentenced to 2 Years for Rescuing Dog, “Terrorists” Rescue More Animals in Retaliation

As both the US and UK governments (and many others) are cracking down on animal rights and environmental activists, labeling them as terrorists and hitting them with outrageous prison sentences, supporters say it is for a few reasons. First, they say that these activists are national security threats. Second, they say that this boot-on-the-throat approach […]

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It’s Fear-Mongering Friday: “Terrorism” in Second Life

Terrorists are everywhere! Vegan potlucks. Ninja gatherings. And now… geeky online games? According to the March, 2008 issue of Foreign Policy (FOREIGN POLICY!), “terrorists” in Second Life are a growing concern: Last year, several bombs were detonated outside the retail stores of American Apparel and Reebok. No one knew who was behind the attacks until […]

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McCain’s Top Advisor: Terrorist Attack Would Be “Big Advantage” For Republicans

After reading Jeremy Beckham’s account of being detained and interrogated at the Canadian border about his activism, you might be wondering: What the hell are they thinking? When scarce law enforcement resources are being spent harassing student activists as “eco-terrorists,” doesn’t that detract time and energy from investigating true security threats? Don’t politicians think about […]

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AT&T Works in More Places, Like NSA Headquarters

Following up on the recent post on surveillance, and Big Brother myths, I found this brilliant billboard improvement on the Groundswell Collective blog. There’s also a YouTube video of the editing in action. Many thanks to the Billboard Liberation Front for keeping our streets factually accurate.

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Dispelling Some Big Brother Myths

There’s been a lot of talk in the press lately about government surveillance; Congress, instead of providing checks and balances on President Bush’s illegal spying program, actually voted to radically EXPAND the spy powers (and, of course, give legal immunity to phone corporations). It seems like whenever government surveillance and harassment makes the news, coverage […]

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