Animal Advocate Detained, Searched, Questioned at Canadian Border about Activism

As the New York Times reported last week, the Department of Homeland Security routinely stops Americans who are re-entering the country so government officials can snoop through laptops and even copy files. For many animal and environmental advocates, though, this is old news. And it’s only part of the story. The government labels the animal […]

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Statement from Josh Harper of the SHAC 7

Josh Harper wrote this letter to the attendees of the Let Live conference in Portland, OR. Harper is one of the SHAC 7, and is currently in prison on “animal enterprise terrorism” charges. I read this at the opening session of the conference. Dear friends, Let me just start by expressing how happy I am […]

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Are You Going to the National Animal Rights Conference?

I hope to see some of you at the 2008 Animal Rights National Conference in Washington, DC next month. will have a table, and I’ll be speaking on these panels: 8/17/2008, 10:03 AM: Engaging the Media (news releases, letters to editor, talk shows, feeding and care, framing events) Other speakers: Karen Dawn Howard Lyman […]

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“Domestic Terrorist” Aprons Now Available!

Check out the fancy new online store! I’m excited about this; hopefully, with enough support, it will be able to defer website costs and maybe raise money for a few projects we have in the works. To kick things off right… *”Domestic Terrorist” Apron “Domestic.” Terrorist. Get it? There’s nothing funny about the FBI […]

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Meet the “Terrorists”

The Animal Liberation Front, Earth Liberation Front, and people who support them are labeled the “number one domestic terrorism threat,” according to the FBI. From time to time I’ll be posting videos of the kind of activity that is being labeled “terrorism” by corporations and the politicians that represent them. To start things off, this […]

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It’s Fear-Mongering Friday!

We’ve got an unholy, hotter’n hell theme going this week. Here’s some of the nuttier “eco-terrorism” scare-mongering going on: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals “is undistinguishable from al Qaeda, Hamas, and Hezbollah.” Well, except for the guns. And the tofu. Meanwhile, an Australian priest says Peta is “the occult.” Praise Seitan! Keeping with […]

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Garden Gnome Liberation Front

From Spiegel Online: Police in Bretagne have arrested a 53-year-old man suspected of the thefts of 170 garden gnomes. However, it is proving difficult to return the gnomes to their real owners — the thief painted them different colors, making identification tricky. If this were in the United States, I wonder if the government would […]

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Uma Thurman Bathing

Posts were sporadic for a bit because of one problem after another, including this website being hacked. (It looks like it was because my blog software had a security flaw, which the new version allegedly fixes.) A consequence of that is was removed from all Google listings: in other words, this site has gone […]

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Just in: Briana Waters Sentenced to Six Years

From The Seattle Times: The woman convicted in an ecoterror attack at the University of Washington has been sentenced to six years in prison. TACOMA, Wash. -The woman convicted in an ecoterror attack at the University of Washington has been sentenced to six years in prison. KIRO-TV reports that Briana Waters asked for mercy because […]

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“Eco-terrorism” Romance Novel

Oh good grief, I knew I spoke too soon when I posted about the new “comedy” based loosely on non-violent activists being labeled “terrorists.” Looks like the “eco-terrorism” buzz has also been milked for a romance novel. Ugh. The blurb for Leave No Trace by Lynn Romaine: For undercover DNR agent Nick Seek, what begins […]

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