Upcoming Events with Marie Mason and Derrick Jensen

This looks like an interesting event. Marie Mason was arrested recently and charged with a 1999 arson at Michigan State University, and subsequently had her co-defendant become a government informant. Derrick Jensen is a wonderful author, and his writing blends a wide variety of issues, including environmental and civil liberties concerns. They’re holding a live […]

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McDavid Sentenced to 20 Years in Prison as a “Terrorist”

Eric McDavid was sentenced to nearly 20 years in prison on Thursday, as a “terrorist,” for conspiring to sabotage federal facilities in the name of the environment. Nearly 20 years. That number is shocking enough, considering that the average sentence for violent offenders, in 2004, was about 7.6 years. That number is shocking enough, considering […]

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“Eco-terrorist” SUVs and Saddam Hussein

Along the lines of the recent culture jamming post, I found this at UncivilSociety. Despite writing, reading and reporting on this stuff every day, I still can’t really wrap my mind around how the word “eco-terrorism” works grammatically. (You shouldn’t be shocked, though. This is coming from someone who thinks “green is the new red,” […]

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Photos of “Eco-terrorists”

Deb over at Invisible Voices sent a link to a wonderful photography project by Christopher LaMarca called “Forest Defenders.” LaMarca says:. I have been photographing these activists and loggers since the summer of 2003. My connection to this project revolves around the passion and endless work that consumes these people who live in the back-country […]

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We Need Your T-Shirt Ideas!

I’ve been brainstorming with people about t-shirt ideas, because we need to raise some money for the website and associated projects. Another reason is that people often come up to me at speaking events asking for t-shirts and I feel kind of bad when they’re stuck talking to me because I don’t have anything to […]

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“Burger With a Side of Spies”

Eric Schlosser has a great oped in The New York Times about how Burger King hired a sketchy private security firm to spy on non-violent activists. WHILE the Patriot Act has raised fears about government spying on ordinary citizens, the growing threat to civil liberties posed by corporate spying has received much less attention. During […]

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Norwegian Culture Jamming

I got a kick out of how this Norwegian enviro/animal/anarchist group took a scare-mongering ad campaign, used to label activists as “terrorists” in major media outlets, and spun it into activist propaganda. [UPDATE: From a comment on this blog post, I learned that this flier was actually created by the UK chapter of the group […]

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Nelson Mandela on Terrorist Watchlist

Like many environmental and animal rights advocates, even Nelson Mandela is on a “terrorist watchlist.” Unlike grassroots activists, though, it looks politicians are trying to get him removed. I’ve seen quite a few blog posts on this, where the author is outraged that a “freedom fighter” like Nelson Mandela is on a terrorist watchlist. His […]

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Chip in a Few Dollars and Let’s Print These Fliers!

The great folks at Eberhardt Press are ready to print an updated version of these wonderful fliers. I had been taking them to speaking events, and my first run of several hundred was gone after about two events. They’re able to print them at $10 for 100 fliers, which is a steal. I rarely make […]

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How the FBI Used “Anna” the Informant to Entrap Eric McDavid and other Environmentalists as “Terrorists”

The FBI paid a young woman, known as “Anna,” to befriend environmentalists Eric McDavid, Lauren Weiner, and Zachary Jenson and pressure them into illegal activity.

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