Thanks to Whoever Uses StumbleUpon

Thanks to whoever uses StumbleUpon to spread the word about this website. Yesterday we had over 4,000 unique visitors JUST from StumbleUpon! Without money for ads or high-profile partnerships, GNR depends on “viral” word of mouth like this. Thank you!

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Racists Vandalize PETA Building, But of Course That’s Not Terrorism

The danger of all this “terrorism” rhetoric is how politically malleable it is: industry groups can mold it into “eco-terrorism,” KFC can hammer it into “corporate terrorism” to smear Peta, and on and on and on. The word can be melted and reformed into a weapon against the latest enemy of the hour. The flipside […]

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It’s Not Over: An Update to the “Green Scare”

It’s Not Over: An Update to the “Green Scare” April 29, 2008 By Will Potter As the trial of Briana Waters wound down in March, as jurors deliberated her innocence or guilt, and as the press largely ignored her “eco-terrorism” case in lieu of Obama-Clinton-Anybody-But-Bush mania, it seemed, just for a moment, like one chapter […]

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“Joint Terrorism Task Force” Arrests Activist on Felony Charge for Wearing a Mask

From DC Indymedia: On Saturday, April 12, an FBI agent arrested an animal rights activist at George Mason University in Fairfax, VA. The activist was charged with wearing a mask in public—a Class 6 felony in Virginia. On April 5, the arrested activist attended a protest at GMU and wore a mask. After the GMU […]

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Zombies, Matt Damon and “Eco-terrorism”

“Eco-terrorists” have already been fodder for Law & Order episodes, Internet TV shows, and “soft-core eco-terrorism” children’s movies. They’ve unleashed armies of the undead and let loose a virus that kills 5 billion people. Those have been fairly minor roles, however. Now it looks like the “Green Scare” is ready for the big screen, big […]

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Because Spray-painting a Hummer is Just Like 9/11

Another gem of an editorial cartoon, along the lines of the Seattle Times cartoon comparing the Earth Liberation Front to Al-Qaeda. From

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Another “Green Scare” Benefit

This one from Ohio.

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Upcoming “Green Scare” Benefits–What Are You Organizing?

There are a few benefits coming up for “Green Scare” defendants coming up, including one tonight for you NYC folks. What about you? Post a comment about what is going on in your town… An Earth Day Benefit for the Pacific Northwest’s Old-Growth Forests and Daniel McGowan What: Music, Food, Fun, and More When: 8 […]

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Proposing New Legislation to Protect Public Information

In light of the recent legislation pending in California that would prohibit the publication of public information on websites–but only websites run by animal rights activists–I have a modest proposal that I think will go a long way to making the country even safer: An amendment to the Animal Enterprise Protection Act, AB2296 Whereas the […]

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Breaking News: New “Green Scare” Legislation Pending in California

NOTE: There is a hearing on this legislation on Tuesday, April 15, 2008 in the Judiciary Committee, Room 4202, at 8 a.m. or perhaps later (you can view what else is on the schedule here). California has been a hotbed of both legal and illegal activity in the name of animal rights lately. The largest […]

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