A Cartoon With a Slightly Different Take on Things

Here’s a cartoonist with a slightly different perspective than the Al Qaeda cartoon last week. Don’t you love Stephanie McMillan? This is from MinimumSecurity.net.

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“Let Live” Conference, Portland, OR

I’ll be speaking at the “Let Live” conference in Portland, Oregon, June 27th-29th, 2008. I’ll post more details as the agenda is finalized, but for now let’s just say I’m ridiculously excited about spending time with such great folks in Portland in the summertime. “Let Live” is a grassroots forum for people who want to […]

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University of Washington Law School, Seattle, WA

Hey Seattle folks, if you’re in town please check out the upcoming conference at the University of Washington Law School on May 16. I’ll be speaking about legal issues facing political activists, and rolling back civil liberties in the name of fighting “terrorism.” More details to come…

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Cartoonist Compares ELF to Al-Qaeda

Eric Devericks of The Seattle Times published this little gem comparing the Earth Liberation Front to Al Qaeda. I’ll sit this one out, except to say that there have been plenty of questions raised as to whether the recent arsons outside of Seattle were even an ELF action. What do you all think?

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The War That Never Ends…

Apologies to everyone for the lack of posts lately. I had to back away from the site because I’m trying to get another project rolling–cross your fingers on that one, and hopefully I’ll have exciting news to announce in coming months. Fortunately for GreenIsTheNewRed.com, though, the “War on Terrorism” is a bit like a case […]

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Seattle Times Article Raising Questions About “ELF” Arsons, Potter Quoted

Yesterday’s Seattle Times article by Jonathan Martin and Mike Carter raises some good points about the recent arsons outside of Seattle, arsons that the FBI and industry groups like the National Association of Home Builders have rushed to label as not only an Earth Liberation Front action, but “eco-terrorism.” Some highlights: “This could be insurance […]

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Whalers Call Paul Watson “Eco-Terrorist,” Then Shoot Him

Call me Ishmael. I mean, call me an “eco-terrorist.” I mean, call the Japanese whalers complete hypocrites. So, you remember how whalers held members of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society hostage when the activists boarding the whaling boat in order to deliver a letter? Well now the whalers have turned to physical violence, shooting Paul […]

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“Green Scare” Program in Worcester

Unfortunately the little mainstream media coverage of so-called “eco-terrorism” has been the unquestioning use of the T-word to describe sabotage and property crimes. (The recent cases in Seattle and now in Michigan are great examples of the press getting so wrapped up in the sexiness of that story that civil liberties implications are nowhere to […]

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Feds Testing Technology to Film “Terrorists” With Cell Phones

Saw this at the great new blog Little Brother. USA Today reports: The Homeland Security Department is testing technology that would allow its agents to use cellphones or e-mail devices to covertly share live video of possible terrorists over a law enforcement network… A live video feed could be shared with “dozens or hundreds of […]

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Press, Feds Labeled Michigan State University Arson “Terrorism” in 2000

I’ve noticed that there’s a tendency, when people speak critically about the use of “terrorism” legislation and rhetoric to chill dissent, to act as if this is something that rose from the ashes of 9/11. As if the political opportunism we’re seeing now can only be explained as some kind of outgrowth of that tragedy. […]

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