Now on the Lineup at Evil Twin Booking Agency…

I’m really excited to announce that I’ll be working with the folks at Evil Twin Book Agency to help organize speaking events. Evil Twin works with writers, filmmakers, activists and artists to promote their work at venues ranging from college tours to Sundance Film Festival. They’ve got quite an eclectic mix, including Greg Palast (the […]

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KPFT Houston Interview on “Green Scare”

I was on KPFT 90.1 FM Houston & 89.5 Galveston with Janice Blue last week, talking about the trial of Briana Waters (starting in Washington Monday) and an update on the “Green Scare” more broadly. You can listen to it here.

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Interview with “The Abolitionist” on “Eco-terrorism” Legislation

This interview is in the latest issue of The Abolitionist (Australia). I spoke with Claudette Vaughan, the chief editor, about the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, the “Green Scare,” and the politics of fear. Here it is below, and also be sure to check out the other articles on their site. Abolitionist: What did you say […]

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Ghost Mice, Erik Petersen and More TBA Benefit Show

I mentioned earlier that I’ll be speaking at the National Conference on Organized Resistance, and I also wanted to let you all know about a benefit concert that weekend for Briana Waters. I was invited by the folks putting on the show to say a few things about the trial, and give an update on […]

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Good Refresher on “Operation Backfire” in the Indypendent

Considering that the “eco-terrorism” arrests dubbed “Operation Backfire” didn’t even make it into the local paper’s top 20 news stories of 2007, and the National Association of Manufacturers claims “boy, we sure didn’t hear about this” (which I find very, very hard to believe), I thought I’d highlight a good series of background articles on […]

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“Number One Terrorism Threat” Doesn’t Make Top 20 News Stories of 2007

The FBI says “The No. 1 domestic terrorism threat is the eco-terrorism, animal-rights movement.” And when the Feds rounded up environmental advocates as part of “Operation Backfire,” Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez said, “In all, their trail of destruction across the Pacific Northwest and beyond resulted in millions of dollars of property damage. Today’s indictment is […]

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New Features on is no Perez Hilton or Pink is the New Blog (which I always thought was a good thing, but good grief do those sites get a ton of hits for such, um, enlightening content). Nevertheless, there are some (fairly) new geektastic features that I hope you all will find useful. Not as useful as […]

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Remembering MLK the “Terrorist”

New laws like the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act are targeting non-violent civil disobedience as terrorism.

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University of Texas at Austin

I’ll be speaking about the Green Scare and how corporations created the “eco-terrorist” menace at the University of Texas at Austin on February 27th in the evening. It’s being organized by the journalism department and a few student groups. When I get confirmation on the location and time, I’ll let you all know. UPDATE: Wednesday, […]

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Whalers Release “Eco-Terrorist” Hostages

Your browser is not able to display this multimedia content. Two anti-whaling activists that have been held hostage by Japanese whalers were released today, after the Australian government intervened. The activists, members of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, had boarded the Japanese whaling ship Yushin Maru No.2 on Tuesday to deliver a letter. According to […]

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