Rick Berman, “Dr. Evil,” on Colbert Show

I found this very funny clip of Rick Berman on “The Colbert Report.” Berman, as many of you know, is the head of Center for Consumer Freedom. CCF has been out front in the effort to label animal and environmental advocates as “terrorists.” In this clip, though, Colbert questions where CCF gets its money (corporations) […]

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National Conference on Organized Resistance, Washington DC

I’ll be speaking at the National Conference on Organized Resistance again this year. It’s in Washington, DC, March 7-9. Keep you posted as it gets closer and I find out more details. There’s talk of doing something similar to the recent event in DC with Ashanti Alston, where we talked about how this “Green Scare” […]

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Saying Goodbye to 2007, and Civil Liberties

This is a solid wrapup of some of the major legislative attacks on civil liberties in 2007, by Stephen Lendman at The Centre for Research on Globalization. Glad to see the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act made the list, along with the Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Act, but I think the “terrorism enhancement” penalties applied […]

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A Bigger Big Brother

Big Brother isn’t just watching. He’s making biometric databases, recruiting firefighters and redefining “privacy.” There’s been a lot going on in terms of government surveillance and privacy concerns. Here’s a few highlights: Do you look like a terrorist? The FBI is spending $1 billion create the biggest biometric database in the world. That means the […]

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Progressive Radio Network: AETA and “homegrown terrorism”

Lee Stringer of “Uncensored Live!” had me on his show yesterday to talk about the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act and the proposed Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act. Thanks to Mr. Stringer for devoting the entire show to the issue (and the more we talked, it was clear even a full hour wasn’t enough!). […]

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Obama a “Jihadist Vegetarian”?

Tom Toles has a great cartoon in today’s Washington Post, with a newspaper article that says: “Barack Obama doesn’t hide his enjoyment of peas and beans, fueling Internet rumors that he’s a jihadist vegetarian who will take the oath of office with his hand on a slab of damp tofu.” Editor and Publisher explains that […]

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Chef Calls Vegetarians “Terrorist Scum”

You know, when I started GreenIsTheNewRed.com I was actually concerned about the site being too much of a “specialty” publication. All “eco-terrorism” and civil liberties, all the time. Fine by me, but niche markets can reach an extreme (not that I have anything against magazines like Coin Collector, Air Traffic Management or Crochet World, mind […]

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Anniversaries of “Operation Backfire” and SHAC 7 Cases: What Are You Planning?

Last year folks around the world organized 42 events in 29 cities to raise awareness of the “Green Scare,” and the labeling of environmental advocates as “eco-terrorists.” Among the highlights were speaking events, benefit concerts, protests, letter writing parties and many other creative ways to build community and fight back the fear-mongering. December 7th marks […]

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“Animal Enterprise Terrorism 101″ in Herbivore Magazine

The kind folks over at Herbivore Magazine approached me about writing a very nuts and bolts, straightforward, simple-as-possible piece about the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, because there has been a lot of misinformation about what the law actually does, and does not, do. This is what we came up with, a kind of “Animal Enterprise […]

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Community Service for a “Global Incident of Terrorism”

Looks like Lubbock, TX has made its mark on a map of “global incidents of terrorism.” While some cities may have gotten a spot on the map for, say, flying planes into buildings or murdering people, Texans have more of a backwoods flair. From the Global Incident Map, this is listed under “General Terrorism News” […]

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