Obama on “Eco-terrorism”

I was going through some of the old hearings on “eco-terrorism” in the Senate, and found this brief statement from Senator Barack Obama to the Committee on Environment and Public Works. The committee was holding a hearing on “Oversight on Eco-terrorism” on May 18, 2005. Obama, who as you all know is one of the […]

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Georgetown Law School Event on Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act

I’ll be speaking about the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, “eco-terrorism” and the Green Scare tomorrow at Georgetown Law School, as part of a lunch lecture series. Thursday, November 15 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. Hotung 1000 (First Floor of Hotung, Below Courtside.)

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National Lawyers Guild Convention

I’ll be speaking at the 70th Anniversary National Lawyers Guild Convention tomorrow here in Washington, DC. The event is called “From Emails to Arson: The New ‘Domestic Terrorism,” and its at noon. Lynn Stewart, an attorney convicted of “material support” to terrorists, will also be speaking on the panel about the frightening implications of her […]

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Major Technical Difficulties, Bear With Me For a Few Days…

Good grief what a ridiculously stressful 24 hours. I upgraded the software that runs this site, and whaddayouknow, it caused all kinds of nastiness with the my server. I couldn’t even get a homepage up, and my backups (plural) weren’t cooperating with the server either. I’m breathing now–finally–because I have the site somewhat back together. […]

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Who Wants to Be a “Domestic Terrorist” For Halloween?

I was a “domestic terrorist” (what else?) last Halloween, complete with black apron and balaclava. Nobody seemed to get the joke. “Are you a ninja?” So I LOVE the label on Isa Moskowitz’s apron. She is one of the vegan culinary minds behind Post Punk Kitchen. The “domestic terrorist” joke plays off of the FBI […]

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Airline Passenger Screening Doesn’t Seem to Apply if You’re Perty

The War on Terrorism is no match for Miss Universe. She’s able to board a plane without her ID, just a sash. I feel so, so safe right now. Courtesy of Boing Boing:

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Customer Service Terrorism

More on the property destruction hypocrisy. Apparently breaking stuff is funny and “truly American” as long as it isn’t part of, well, a (current) social movement. From the Washington Post: Sometimes truly American virtues arise in outlaws who — by dint of heroic but questionable endeavors — display the mettle of the national character. For […]

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Fun With FBI Files

An easy way to get your DHS travel dossier. An easy, automated site for generating Freedom of Information Act requests for your FBI/CIA/NSA/etc. files. Be sure to email me and let me know if you turn up anything good!

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Panel Discussion in DC with Ramona Africa of MOVE

Panel Discussion on State Repression: Past and Present From the Green Scare to the Continued War on the Black Liberation Movement Featuring: Ramona Africa of MOVE Will Potter, journalist and creator of GreenIsTheNewRed.com Other Speakers: TO BE ANNOUNCED Saturday, November 17 at 7 p.m. at St. Stephen’s Church 1525 Newton Street NW Washington, D.C. $5-10 […]

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Project Censored Awards in California

I’ll be in Sonoma, Calif. next week for the Project Censored awards, talking about my reporting on the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act. If you’re in the area, please come out and hear from Jeremy Scahill, Thom Hartmann and all the other awardees who have done such outstanding work. I’m really looking forward to this. All […]

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