Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (AETA)

Project Censored honors Will Potter's investigative journalism covering the AETA.

The Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (AETA) sweepingly targets a wide range of political activity as “terrorism” if done in the name of animal rights. The greatest danger of this legislation, though, is the chilling effect it has had on law-abiding activists. Corporations and the politicians who represent them are using that word, “terrorism,” to make everyday people speak up for what they believe.

The AETA was passed in 2006, with just six members of Congress in the room, just hours after lawmakers and celebrities were on hand to break ground for the new memorial honoring Martin Luther King Jr. The law is so vague and broad that the non-violent tactics of MLK could be prosecuted as “terrorism.”

The bill expanded the Animal Enterprise Protection Act, the law used to convict the SHAC 7 of “animal enterprise terrorism” just months earlier.

How the AETA Works:

History of the AETA:

How the AETA Passed Congress:

Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act Arrests

Here are some recent articles about the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act:

“Animal Enterprise Terrorism 101″ in Herbivore Magazine

The kind folks over at Herbivore Magazine approached me about writing a very nuts and bolts, straightforward, simple-as-possible piece about the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, because there has been a lot of misinformation about what the law actually does, and does not, do. This is what we came up with, a kind of “Animal Enterprise […]

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Georgetown Law School Event on Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act

I’ll be speaking about the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, “eco-terrorism” and the Green Scare tomorrow at Georgetown Law School, as part of a lunch lecture series. Thursday, November 15 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. Hotung 1000 (First Floor of Hotung, Below Courtside.)

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New Report from National Lawyer’s Guild, With Section on “Applying Terrorist Label to Activists”

Just like during the Red Scare, the National Lawyer’s Guild has been consistently out front during this “Green Scare” as well. The guild has condemned the politically-motivated application of the “terrorism” label to property crimes, and the use of vague and overly broad legislation like the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act to chill dissent. A new […]

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Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act in Project Censored’s Top 25

Got an email recently that the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act will be in Project Censored’s list of Tops 25 under-reported news stories, in the 2008 edition. The article they picked is “House Passes Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act With Little Discussion or Dissent: Notes from the House Floor ‘Debate.’” This could raise a lot of awareness […]

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Fear and Rage: Responding to the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act and the Green Scare

A few folks asked that I post this, so here goes. It’s the audio and text from the plenary speech I gave at the national animal rights conference in Los Angeles, about how people choose respond to the fear created by the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, “terrorism enhancements” and the Green Scare more broadly. Because […]

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Audio of Step by Step Look at Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act

This is the audio from a portion of a workshop at the recent animal rights conference, where I gave a step-by-step walk through of the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act. There’s a lot left out, due to time constraints, but there’s much more information in the analysis of the law I posted. [Audio clip: view full […]

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Updated Analysis of Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act

Hey all. I finally got around to posting my updated analysis of the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (there’s also a link on the sidebar) and posted a new pdf file that you can download as well. Leave a comment on the page and let me know what you think…

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Making Friends

One reason the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act passed with little opposition, even from liberal groups that have spoken out against the war and the Patriot Act, is because the animal rights movement has made itself a political leper. A recent example: Michael Moore’s new film, Sicko, is about the health care industry. Peta’s response? Call […]

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Fur Shop Owners Rebuked in Lawsuit Against Protestors

With all the “terrorism enhancement” news this week, I missed some good news (I know, it’s shocking, GNR can be full of so much “eco-terrorism” gloom and doom). But on Tuesday a federal judge defended the rights of activists to protest despite the “terrorism” rhetoric of the fur salon’s owners. Schumacher Furs has been the […]

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More Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act Myths and Sidestepping

Check out this Q/A at Wired with Frankie Trull of the National Association for Biomedical Research: I’ve read that the A.E.T.A. poses a threat to civil liberties. On one website I read that “Anyone engaging in non-violent civil disobedience causing at least $10,000 profit loss, will be considered a terrorist.” They refuse to actually read […]

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