Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (AETA)

Project Censored honors Will Potter's investigative journalism covering the AETA.

The Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (AETA) sweepingly targets a wide range of political activity as “terrorism” if done in the name of animal rights. The greatest danger of this legislation, though, is the chilling effect it has had on law-abiding activists. Corporations and the politicians who represent them are using that word, “terrorism,” to make everyday people speak up for what they believe.

The AETA was passed in 2006, with just six members of Congress in the room, just hours after lawmakers and celebrities were on hand to break ground for the new memorial honoring Martin Luther King Jr. The law is so vague and broad that the non-violent tactics of MLK could be prosecuted as “terrorism.”

The bill expanded the Animal Enterprise Protection Act, the law used to convict the SHAC 7 of “animal enterprise terrorism” just months earlier.

How the AETA Works:

History of the AETA:

How the AETA Passed Congress:

Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act Arrests

Here are some recent articles about the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act:

Guest Editorial on the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act in Satya Magazine

I just posted the guest editorial I wrote for the November issue of Satya. Let me know what you think. It will be crunch time when lawmakers get back on November 13th.

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I’ll Be Speaking at the L.A. County Bar Association on “Eco-terrorism” Legislation

Hey everyone. I’ll be speaking at the Los Angeles County Bar Association on Wednesday, November 8, 2006. The event is titled “The Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act and the Constitution,” and comes at a a great time: industry groups are trying to steamroll the legislation through Congress when lawmakers return on November 13. Please pass this […]

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Interview on Vegan Freak Radio about the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act

I recently interviewed with Bob Torres over at VeganFreak Radio about the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, “eco-terrorism” rhetoric and the future of the Green Scare. You can listen to the entire program over at the VeganFreak website. Please also check out their blog and book. I’ve also uploaded the mp3 of the segment discussing the […]

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Get Ready for an “Eco-terrorism” Bum Rush in Congress Next Month

Get ready for it. Come November 13, industry groups, corporations and the politicians that represent them will likely throw everything they’ve got into pushing the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act through the House. Here’s why: Congress is in recess right now. Lawmakers are back home baby kissin’ and getting ready for the November 7 general elections. […]

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Could This Legislation Label You a “Terrorist”?

Could the legislation pending in Congress really label you a terrorist? I’ve posted a detailed, step-by-step look at the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act to help folks answer that question. It’s a plain English examination of what, exactly, the law does, and how it could impact all activists, of all social movements. It’s much longer than […]

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I’m Speaking at the National Animal Law Conference Next Week

I’ll be speaking about the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act and the SHAC 7 trial at the 14th Annual Animal Law Conference next week in Portland, Ore. Saturday, October 14 10:30-12:00 Defending Activists and their Constitutional Rights There’s quite a lineup for the conference, including Steven Wise and the top guns at the Humane Society of […]

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In-Depth Analysis of Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act as It Passed the Senate (S. 3880)

I just posted a new document breaking down the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act as passed by the Senate: the changes that were made, and the problems that remain. Take a look and let me know what you think. It’s still unclear if Representatives will try to pass this version, or stick with their equally vague […]

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Transcript of Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act Congressional Hearing Now Online

A transcript of the House Judiciary Committee hearing on the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, where I testified, is now online. Much of this 107-page document isn’t transcribed questions and answers, however: it’s a laundry list of letters of support for the bill submitted by industry groups. It looks like a who’s who among the New […]

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Senate Unanimously Passes Sweeping “Eco-terrorism” Legislation

The Senate passed the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act last night by unanimous consent. That’s right, unanimous. No senator, Democrat or Republican, spoke up to block this sweeping legislation that labels non-violent activists as “terrorists.” You can see for yourself how it was fast-tracked by searching on Thomas for S. 3880: 9/8/2006: Read twice and referred […]

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More Good News: PETA Action Alert on So-Called “Terrorism” Legislation

More good news: Another national animal advocacy group has come out against the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act. PETA has distributed this action urging members to get active and block this sweeping legislation that labels non-violent activism as “terrorism.”

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