Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (AETA)

Project Censored honors Will Potter's investigative journalism covering the AETA.

The Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (AETA) sweepingly targets a wide range of political activity as “terrorism” if done in the name of animal rights. The greatest danger of this legislation, though, is the chilling effect it has had on law-abiding activists. Corporations and the politicians who represent them are using that word, “terrorism,” to make everyday people speak up for what they believe.

The AETA was passed in 2006, with just six members of Congress in the room, just hours after lawmakers and celebrities were on hand to break ground for the new memorial honoring Martin Luther King Jr. The law is so vague and broad that the non-violent tactics of MLK could be prosecuted as “terrorism.”

The bill expanded the Animal Enterprise Protection Act, the law used to convict the SHAC 7 of “animal enterprise terrorism” just months earlier.

How the AETA Works:

History of the AETA:

How the AETA Passed Congress:

Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act Arrests

Here are some recent articles about the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act:

Humane Society Opposes Labeling Activists as “Terrorists”

Just in: The Humane Society of the United States has come out opposing the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act on civil liberties grounds, calling it “seriously flawed.” This is great news, particularly since the industry groups are trying to rush the bill through in the next few days. Their fact sheet on the legislation is below […]

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Industry Group Picks Up the Pace, Hopes to Rush Through “Eco-terrorism” Law

The Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act has been introduced and reintroduced in Congress for years, always floundering, and this year it looks like industry groups are making a full-court press to get the draconian law passed. The Senate and House Judiciary committees may markup the bills as soon as next week. The National Association for Biomedical […]

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Radio program on the Green Scare, Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act and the SHAC 7

This morning I was a guest on Go Vegan Texas, which airs on 90.1 FM KPFT Houston. Also on the program were Camille Hankins, an activist with Win Animal Rights, and Tim Gorski, a filmmaker with Rattle the Cage Productions. You can listen to the program online at the Go Vegan Texas website or click […]

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UPI’s Coverage of SHAC 7 Sentencing and AETA

Talked to Shaun Waterman, the homeland and national security editor at United Press International, last night. Here’s an excerpt from his article on the SHAC 7 and the looming Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, on the wires today: But some civil liberties advocates have slated the bill’s provisions as overbroad and unnecessary, charging that legitimate protests […]

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Leading Senate Democrat Supports “Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act”

If you’ve been following the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act and kept saying to yourself, “There’s just no way this is going to move,” then think again. It now has bipartisan support in the Senate, in addition to the House. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, a Democrat from California, introduced the bill in the Senate with Sen. James […]

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The SHAC 7, the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, and the Future of the Green Scare

A few people have requested that I post the presentations I made at the national animal rights conference last weekend. Below you’ll find the text I prepared for the plenary session. My actual speech different slightly from that, though, so I also uploaded an audio file. Click on the triangle below to listen. [Audio clip: […]

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Coping With Repression: The Chilling Effect of “Eco-terrorism” Rhetoric

[Audio clip: view full post to listen] “Coping With Repression” Delivered by Will Potter at the national animal rights conference August 11, 2006 11 a.m. Good morning. My name is Will Potter. I’m a reporter and I focus on how the War on Terrorism has affected civil liberties, and specifically I focus on the Green […]

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New Backgrounder on Animal Enterprise Protection Act

I’ve finally posted a background document on the Animal Enterprise Protection Act I’ve been drafting (that’s the law that was used to go after the SHAC 7 on “terrorism” charges). It outlines how industry groups have been pushing this Green Scare since before 9/11, and now they’re taking their “eco-terrorism” rhetoric to the next level. […]

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Radio Program on Green Scare (Potter Interviewed)

KPFT 90.1 FM Houston will air a program tonight, 7:30 p.m. CST, as part of the Weekend of Resistance to the Green Scare. You can listen to it online here, thanks to Indymedia. Or just click the button bellow. [Audio clip: view full post to listen]

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News Release: Federal Legislation Risks Classifying Non-Violent Activism as “Terrorism”

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Tuesday, May 23, 2006 Contact: Will Potter WASHINGTON – Proposed legislation in the House and Senate includes sweeping language that could classify boycotts, whistleblowing, undercover investigating, and non-violent civil disobedience as “terrorism,” and will have a chilling effect on all activism, a freelance journalist testified before Congress today. The House Subcommittee […]

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