Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (AETA)

Project Censored honors Will Potter's investigative journalism covering the AETA.

The Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (AETA) sweepingly targets a wide range of political activity as “terrorism” if done in the name of animal rights. The greatest danger of this legislation, though, is the chilling effect it has had on law-abiding activists. Corporations and the politicians who represent them are using that word, “terrorism,” to make everyday people speak up for what they believe.

The AETA was passed in 2006, with just six members of Congress in the room, just hours after lawmakers and celebrities were on hand to break ground for the new memorial honoring Martin Luther King Jr. The law is so vague and broad that the non-violent tactics of MLK could be prosecuted as “terrorism.”

The bill expanded the Animal Enterprise Protection Act, the law used to convict the SHAC 7 of “animal enterprise terrorism” just months earlier.

How the AETA Works:

History of the AETA:

How the AETA Passed Congress:

Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act Arrests

Here are some recent articles about the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act:

Herbivore Magazine Article on the SHAC 7: “The World Takes? How corporations and politicians turned animal rights activists into terrorists”

[This was published by Herbivore Magazine in one of their mini-books a while back. I realized I hadn’t posted it here, and it’s not available anywhere else online. Hope you enjoy it.] "The World Takes? How corporations and politicians turned animal rights activists into terrorists," Herbivore, Volume 13, 26-48. By WILL POTTER On some days […]

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Recap of the Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty “Terrorism” Appeal in Philadelphia

When the animal rights group Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty (SHAC) posted news of both legal and illegal conduct on its website, and publicly supported a variety of tactics in the movement to shut down the notorious animal testing lab Huntingdon Life Sciences, they were acting as “generals” in a campaign of “terrorism,” the U.S. government […]

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Lobbying Documents Show How Corporations Snuck “Eco-Terrorism” Law Through Congress (Part 2)

This is the second post in a series investigating the passage of the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act. Internal lobbying documents produced by an industry front group, revealed here for the first time, show how and why corporations snuck the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act through Congress, with little discussion or debate. On the surface, it might […]

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Internal Industry Documents Show Plans for Labeling Activists as “Eco-Terrorists” (Part 1)

It has been two years since the passage of the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, a sweeping new law that wraps up non-violent civil disobedience and hurting corporate profits as “terrorism.” The law marked a radical expansion of the “War on Terrorism,” and the most ambitious campaign yet by industry groups, corporations, and the politicians that […]

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Thanks to Mike for posting this video of my talk at the University of Washington Law School, about legal issues facing activists and attorneys. (You can also check out footage of the presentations by Lauren Regan and Shannon Keith). I haven’t really explored using YouTube or posting video. For one thing, that jerk Harry Potter […]

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Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act Moot Court

Congrats to all the law students who took part in the appellate moot court competition on the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act at Harvard Feb 15-17. I think it’s incredible that law students are tackling these issues in moot court while some national organizations seem like they’d prefer just to ignore that they even exist. I […]

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Interview with “The Abolitionist” on “Eco-terrorism” Legislation

This interview is in the latest issue of The Abolitionist (Australia). I spoke with Claudette Vaughan, the chief editor, about the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, the “Green Scare,” and the politics of fear. Here it is below, and also be sure to check out the other articles on their site. Abolitionist: What did you say […]

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Remembering MLK the “Terrorist”

New laws like the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act are targeting non-violent civil disobedience as terrorism.

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“Compassion Is Not Terrorism”

Some animal activists in California sent me this photo from a legal demonstration outside what they say is the “ten-million-dollar-plus, palatial mansion owned by Phenomenex President and CEO Farajollah Mahjoor.” They say Phenomenex is tied to the notorious animal testing lab, Huntingdon Life Sciences, which is the target of Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty. The government […]

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Progressive Radio Network: AETA and “homegrown terrorism”

Lee Stringer of “Uncensored Live!” had me on his show yesterday to talk about the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act and the proposed Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act. Thanks to Mr. Stringer for devoting the entire show to the issue (and the more we talked, it was clear even a full hour wasn’t enough!). […]

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