
Mafia Law Used Against Environmentalists for Tree Sits, Civil Disobedience, Blog Post

Two environmental activists in Bloomington, Ind., have been charged with racketeering–charges originally intended to target the mob–for allegedly “conspiring” to engage in tree sits, participate in non-violent civil disobedience, and make an inflammatory blog post. Hugh Farrell and Gina “Tiga” Wertz are organizers in the campaign to halt expansion of the I-69 NAFTA superhighway. They […]

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How Corporate Provocateurs Made Fran Trutt an “Animal Rights Terrorist”

Corporate provocateurs turned Fran Trutt into an “animal rights terrorist.”

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FBI’s 5-Step Process to Criminalize First Amendment Activity as “Terrorism”

The recent FBI arrests of animal rights activists as “terrorists” for chalking sidewalks, protesting and making fliers marks a drastic turning point in the Green Scare, and in the history of this country. The government and corporations are clearly hoping to set a legal precedent for the sweeping power of the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act. […]

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FBI Arrests 4 Activists as “Terrorists” for Chalking Slogans, Leafleting and Protesting

It was only a matter of time. Since the passage of the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, a sweeping new law labeling animal rights activists as “terrorists,” corporations and industry groups have been pushing the federal government to use their new powers. For more than two years, the law has sat on the shelf. The government […]

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Student Arrested As “Terrorist” For Writing About Zombies

I love Halloween. But nothing compares to the political horror show that is the “War on Terrorism”… A student in Kentucky has been arrested, faces felony charges, and has been labeled a “terrorist” for writing a short story about zombies. “My story is based on fiction,” said Poole, who faces a second-degree felony terrorist threatening […]

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“Joint Terrorism Task Force” Arrests Activist on Felony Charge for Wearing a Mask

From DC Indymedia: On Saturday, April 12, an FBI agent arrested an animal rights activist at George Mason University in Fairfax, VA. The activist was charged with wearing a mask in public—a Class 6 felony in Virginia. On April 5, the arrested activist attended a protest at GMU and wore a mask. After the GMU […]

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Notorious “Eco-terrorist” Convicted of… More Non-violent Crimes

Mention the name Rod Coronado in the presence of fur farmers, animal research supporters, or law enforcement agents and blood will boil. He’s a “terrorist.” A “violent criminal.” A “national security threat.” Coronado was just convicted yet again for illegal actions defending the environment. So what was this “eco-terrorist” up to this time? Conspiracy to […]

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Three Indicted in University of Washington “Eco-terrorism” Case

A Washington grand jury has indicted three alleged arsonists for the 2001 attack on the University of Washington horticulture center, tacking on more charges to individuals already charged in other “eco-terrorism” roundups.

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