
Why Activists Should Never Talk to the Police or FBI (Video)

A great talk by James Duane, a professor at Regent Law School and a former defense attorney, on why you should never talk to the police.

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Obama: Suspected Terrorists Shouldn’t Be Informed of Their Miranda Rights

The Obama administration said this week it would support a law to allow interrogating terrorism suspects, including U.S. citizens, without informing them of their rights to remain silent and speak with an attorney.

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Video on Secretive Communciations Management Units

This week we learned that the government has proposed making secretive prisons for “domestic terrorists,” which have been operating for 3 years on U.S. soil, permanent. In this video Rachel Meeropol and Alexis Agathocleous, attorneys at the Center for Constitutional Rights, discuss the lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of Communications Management Units, or CMUs:

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Government Acknowledges Secretive Prisons for “Domestic Terrorists,” Proposes Making Them Permanent

Communications Management Units have been operating for more than three years on U.S. soil. The Bureau of Prisons wants to make them permanent.

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