
Environmentalist Receives Higher Prison Sentence than Al-Qaeda Operative

An Al-Qaeda operative charged with creating a weapon of mass destruction has received a lesser prison sentence than an environmentalist who set fire to an empty building. Christopher Paul, aka “Abdul Malek,” is an Ohio native who joined Al Qaeda in the early 90s. According to the FBI, he: received training in “the use of […]

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Are Mainstream Environmentalists Supporting “Eco-terrorism” Against Climate Change This Weekend?

Thousands of students converging in Washington, D.C. this weekend have already “gone green.” Now they are going “eco-terrorist.” That’s absurd, right? No one in their right mind would call the 10,000 young people participating in the Power Shift conference and mass non-violent civil disobedience against a coal-powered plant“eco-terrorists.” But corporations and the politicians who represent […]

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How Law Enforcement Uses Informants and Snitches Against Activists

The government relies on fear to create informants and snitches, and build cases against political activists.

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FBI Agent: Video Surveillance Used to Track Activist Leafleting

When I first reported on the arrest of four animal rights activists in California under the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, few details were available. The only information was the FBI press release (which mainstream media outlets have regurgitated nearly verbatim as news articles). I now have a copy of the criminal complaint written by FBI […]

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5 Reasons for Activists to Cover Their Faces at Protests

“If activists have nothing to hide, why are they wearing masks?” I’ve heard that question over and over again. It usually comes in the form of a soundbite from someone affiliated with a corporation, industry or government agency that is attempting to smear lawful activists as “terrorists.” Their reasoning goes something like this: If you […]

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FBI Arrests 4 Activists as “Terrorists” for Chalking Slogans, Leafleting and Protesting

It was only a matter of time. Since the passage of the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, a sweeping new law labeling animal rights activists as “terrorists,” corporations and industry groups have been pushing the federal government to use their new powers. For more than two years, the law has sat on the shelf. The government […]

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Government Says Protesting Republicans is Terrorism, but Bombing the Oklahoma City Building Isn’t (Audio)

I interviewed with Lydia Howell at KFAI 90.3 FM in the Twin Cities about the RNC 8, the Green Scare, and who is–and isn’t–being labeled “terrorists.” I’m heading out to Minneapolis tomorrow for a few speaking events, one at the law school on the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act and one on the Green Scare more […]

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Utah Bill Would Make Environmentalists Like Tim DeChristopher “Eco-Terrorists”

Yesterday’s article on the sentencing of Marie Mason to prison, as a terrorist, for 22 years has made quite a buzz. Nearly everywhere the piece has been posted (news sites, environmental sites, Digg, punk forums) there has been a slew of angry comments (by “green” folks, no less) supporting her sentence and condemning illegal activity. […]

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Environmentalist Sentenced to 21 Years as a “Terrorist”; Violent Racists Receive Half That

I’ve written a lot of articles like this, when prison sentences are handed down to activists who have been labeled “terrorists” for property crimes, and instead of getting easier it just keeps getting harder. It’s getting harder to write about this rationally, calmly. These cases are getting worse, folks. The government is growing increasingly aggressive […]

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The Government’s 7-Step Process for Convicting Environmentalists as Terrorists

Despite my deep-seated distaste for all things Baltimore (my apologies to folks in Bawlmor, but your town and I don’t seem to get along), I’ve been watching HBO’s The Wire on Netflix. The series—created by David Simon, a 13-year-veteran of the The Baltimore Sun—is structured so that each episode is a small piece in a […]

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