
“Eco-terrorist” SUVs and Saddam Hussein

Along the lines of the recent culture jamming post, I found this at UncivilSociety. Despite writing, reading and reporting on this stuff every day, I still can’t really wrap my mind around how the word “eco-terrorism” works grammatically. (You shouldn’t be shocked, though. This is coming from someone who thinks “green is the new red,” […]

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Because Spray-painting a Hummer is Just Like 9/11

Another gem of an editorial cartoon, along the lines of the Seattle Times cartoon comparing the Earth Liberation Front to Al-Qaeda. From

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Obama on “Eco-terrorism”

I was going through some of the old hearings on “eco-terrorism” in the Senate, and found this brief statement from Senator Barack Obama to the Committee on Environment and Public Works. The committee was holding a hearing on “Oversight on Eco-terrorism” on May 18, 2005. Obama, who as you all know is one of the […]

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BBC Nixes Muslim Suicide Bomber for “Eco-terrorist”

From The Observer: The BBC has abandoned plans to screen a fictional terrorist attack by Muslim suicide bombers in the primetime drama Casualty after internal clashes over whether the highly sensitive subject matter would cause offence. BBC drama executives were keen to push the storyline and may even have started filming, a source close to […]

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Priorities, Priorities

So we’ve heard over and over that so-called “eco-terrorism” is the “number one domestic terrorist threat,” according to the FBI. Interesting, then, how the FBI’s “Top Ten Stories For the Week Ending August 10, 2007,” places the “number one domestic terrorist threat” at… number two. Second to a health care fraud case. 1. Houston: Six […]

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New Report from National Lawyer’s Guild, With Section on “Applying Terrorist Label to Activists”

Just like during the Red Scare, the National Lawyer’s Guild has been consistently out front during this “Green Scare” as well. The guild has condemned the politically-motivated application of the “terrorism” label to property crimes, and the use of vague and overly broad legislation like the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act to chill dissent. A new […]

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“Eco-terrorism” a Response to “Eco-Anxiety,” Say “Eco-Therapists”

Have you noticed how people are using “eco” to modify everything and anything now, but nobody seems to want to actually take a hard, critical look at “eco” issues? Take this story from MSNBC. A hummer was vandalized in D.C. The owner doesn’t understand why (“We recycle at the house,” he said.) But the reporter, […]

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Former Bush Administration Prosecutor Calls “Eco-terrorist” Label “Overreaching”

A Bush administration prosecutor recently called the labeling of environmental activists as terrorists “political” and “overreaching.” From The Eugene Weekly’s Alan Pittman, former U.S. attorney David C. Iglesias said: “It seems to me what happened here should not fit my traditional definition of what terrorism is,” he said. Charging the environmental saboteurs in Eugene with […]

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Editorial in ‘Nature’ Against Green Scare

Nature has an editorial in the latest issue against “terrorism enhancement” in the cases out West, and also more broadly against the “eco-terrorism” rhetoric we’ve been seeing in legislation like the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act. This is big breakthrough, especially considering the source. An excerpt: But ‘terrorist’ is a word so debased and loaded by […]

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“Eco-terrorism,” Cialis and I-phones?

Did spammers buy/hack, the domain constantly listed as the portal website for a “shadowy eco-terrorist group”? Or are “shadowy eco-terrorists” hawking Viagra? This is from the post I saw at Hidden within the relevant news, I couldn’t help but wonder why environmentalists were so concerned with Cialis. Was this a problem with lack […]

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