Government Arrests Activists for 8-year-old ELF Action; Daniel McGowan Refused to Cooperate with Grand Jury Witchhunt

Eight years ago, the Earth Liberation Front claimed responsibility for sabotaging the U.S. Forest Service Facility in Rhinelander, Wisconsin, because the facility was performing genetic engineering research on trees. Underground activists “girdled” about 500 trees, removing a strip of bark, a few inches wide, around the circumference of the trees that caused them to die. […]

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Meet the “Terrorists”

The Animal Liberation Front, Earth Liberation Front, and people who support them are labeled the “number one domestic terrorism threat,” according to the FBI. From time to time I’ll be posting videos of the kind of activity that is being labeled “terrorism” by corporations and the politicians that represent them. To start things off, this […]

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Just in: Briana Waters Sentenced to Six Years

From The Seattle Times: The woman convicted in an ecoterror attack at the University of Washington has been sentenced to six years in prison. TACOMA, Wash. -The woman convicted in an ecoterror attack at the University of Washington has been sentenced to six years in prison. KIRO-TV reports that Briana Waters asked for mercy because […]

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Mother’s Day Project for Green Scare Defendant

I was out in Washington for part of the Briana Waters trial, just before she was found guilty on two counts of arson for an Earth Liberation Front arson at the University of Washington. What struck me most about the experience was that not only must she deal with former friends becoming government informants, and […]

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Upcoming Events with Marie Mason and Derrick Jensen

This looks like an interesting event. Marie Mason was arrested recently and charged with a 1999 arson at Michigan State University, and subsequently had her co-defendant become a government informant. Derrick Jensen is a wonderful author, and his writing blends a wide variety of issues, including environmental and civil liberties concerns. They’re holding a live […]

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McDavid Sentenced to 20 Years in Prison as a “Terrorist”

Eric McDavid was sentenced to nearly 20 years in prison on Thursday, as a “terrorist,” for conspiring to sabotage federal facilities in the name of the environment. Nearly 20 years. That number is shocking enough, considering that the average sentence for violent offenders, in 2004, was about 7.6 years. That number is shocking enough, considering […]

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It’s Not Over: An Update to the “Green Scare”

It’s Not Over: An Update to the “Green Scare” April 29, 2008 By Will Potter As the trial of Briana Waters wound down in March, as jurors deliberated her innocence or guilt, and as the press largely ignored her “eco-terrorism” case in lieu of Obama-Clinton-Anybody-But-Bush mania, it seemed, just for a moment, like one chapter […]

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Because Spray-painting a Hummer is Just Like 9/11

Another gem of an editorial cartoon, along the lines of the Seattle Times cartoon comparing the Earth Liberation Front to Al-Qaeda. From CoxAndForkum.com.

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Cartoonist Compares ELF to Al-Qaeda

Eric Devericks of The Seattle Times published this little gem comparing the Earth Liberation Front to Al Qaeda. I’ll sit this one out, except to say that there have been plenty of questions raised as to whether the recent arsons outside of Seattle were even an ELF action. What do you all think?

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Seattle Times Article Raising Questions About “ELF” Arsons, Potter Quoted

Yesterday’s Seattle Times article by Jonathan Martin and Mike Carter raises some good points about the recent arsons outside of Seattle, arsons that the FBI and industry groups like the National Association of Home Builders have rushed to label as not only an Earth Liberation Front action, but “eco-terrorism.” Some highlights: “This could be insurance […]

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