Environmental Activists

Chuck Norris Advocating Armed Revolution and Terrorist “Cell” Tactics

Chuck Norris says it may soon be time for the violent overthrow of the U.S. government, and he’s organizing “cells” around the country.

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“Good Time Bill” Could Reduce Prison Times for Environmentalists and Animal Rights Activists

I have sat through so many sentencing hearings for environmentalists and animal rights activists when the judges and prosecutors have noted, and even applauded, how activists are not like “typical” defendants. By this, they mean that the defendants have solid education backgrounds (some even pursuing law degrees and master’s degrees while incarcerated), they have supportive […]

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Are Mainstream Environmentalists Supporting “Eco-terrorism” Against Climate Change This Weekend?

Thousands of students converging in Washington, D.C. this weekend have already “gone green.” Now they are going “eco-terrorist.” That’s absurd, right? No one in their right mind would call the 10,000 young people participating in the Power Shift conference and mass non-violent civil disobedience against a coal-powered plant“eco-terrorists.” But corporations and the politicians who represent […]

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Meet the “Terrorists”

The Animal Liberation Front, Earth Liberation Front, and people who support them are labeled the “number one domestic terrorism threat,” according to the FBI. From time to time I’ll be posting videos of the kind of activity that is being labeled “terrorism” by corporations and the politicians that represent them. To start things off, this […]

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Just in: Briana Waters Sentenced to Six Years

From The Seattle Times: The woman convicted in an ecoterror attack at the University of Washington has been sentenced to six years in prison. TACOMA, Wash. -The woman convicted in an ecoterror attack at the University of Washington has been sentenced to six years in prison. KIRO-TV reports that Briana Waters asked for mercy because […]

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Mother’s Day Project for Green Scare Defendant

I was out in Washington for part of the Briana Waters trial, just before she was found guilty on two counts of arson for an Earth Liberation Front arson at the University of Washington. What struck me most about the experience was that not only must she deal with former friends becoming government informants, and […]

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How to Make the Iraq War “Green”

I couldn’t resist posting this, in light of the recent controversy near Seattle, where luxury “green” homes were burned and the FBI suspects the Earth Liberation Front. Message boards and blogs have been lit by a surprising amount of support for the (alleged) motivations of the crime, and folks railing against “green washing.” (More on […]

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Green Scare Banner Drop in Worcester

This “banner drop” was outside the Earth Crisis show in Worcester to “call attention to the Green Scare, celebrate Jeff Luer’s shortened sentence, make leap day more fun, etc.” There’s more at Worcester Indymedia: On Friday February 29th, Leap Day, Worcester Activists Welcomed Earth Crisis concertgoers with a banner that read WELCOME TO WORCESTER—DON’T BE […]

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“Aiding and Abetting” Terrorists with Tofu

UC Santa Cruz has been cracking down on tree sitters and their supporters, who are trying to protect Redwoods from UC development plans. There have been arrests and police pepper-spraying students, but what caught my attention in this article is the wording that the university is using in court. From the Santa Cruz Sentinel: The […]

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Two Minneapolis Grand Jury Subpoenas Dropped

UPDATE: Tony Wong and Brandon Elder won’t have to appear before the grand jury in Minneapolis at this time. (Background on the grand jury is here). The district attorney dropped the order to appear after Wong and Elder sent in a declaration of their intent to plead the fifth and not cooperate.

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