First Amendment

“Truth and Power” TV series features Will Potter on “eco-terrorism,” ag-gag laws, and investigative journalism

A new television series, “Truth and Power,” is narrated by Maggie Gyllenhaal and executive produced by award-winning filmmaker Brian Knappenberger.

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A Brief History of Secret Prisons in the United States

Secret prisons reflect a parallel legal system for prisoners who are denied access to communications, deprived of their due process rights, and hidden from public scrutiny. Investigative journalist and TED Fellow Will Potter explains.

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New TED Talk Goes Inside Secretive Prison Units on U.S. Soil

“The secret US prisons you’ve never heard of before.”

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BREAKING: 2 Animal Activists Facing 6 Months in Jail for Protesting on the Sidewalk

In Utah, activists are facing 6 months in jail for holding signs and protesting an amusement park’s treatment of animals.

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Animal Activists’ Chalking Charges Have Been Dropped!

The criminal charges against four animal rights activists who chalked slogans on the public street have been dropped, and they’re now free to continue with their protests of a new animal testing lab.

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Why We Need Brave Journalists

Must-watch TED talks about freedom of the press.

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The Role of Journalists in Protecting Animals: Interview with Will Potter

The Animal Legal Defense Fund interviews Will Potter about the importance of journalists and whistleblowers exposing animal abuse.

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Great News in the Lawsuit Against Idaho’s #AgGag Law

A lawsuit challenging Idaho’s ag-gag law as unconstitutional is moving forward, with a supportive ruling by a U.S. federal judge.

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CNN: Exposing Animal Cruelty Is Not a Crime

Will Potter argues that “ag-gag” laws are unconstitutional because they threaten journalists who expose factory farms.

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New TED Talk: “The shocking move to criminalize nonviolent protest”

Will Potter’s TED talk is live, and on the homepage!

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