VICE: “New laws make it safer to beat the shit out of chickens”

by Will Potter on March 14, 2013

in Terrorism Legislation

vice_logoMy first article for Vice magazine is now online. “New laws make it safer to beat the shit out of chickens.” It’s a detailed look at “ag-gag” bills pushed by the factory farming industry to silence whistleblowers and journalists.

One such investigation by Mercy For Animals led to criminal charges in North Carolina, and a top state government official resigned in a corruption scandal.

“Chances are that if one of these laws had been in place, we would not have been able to get the footage we did,” said Vandhana Bala, general counsel for Mercy for Animals. “We would not have been able to see the government corruption and the illegal activity that is currently being prosecuted if there had been an ag-gag bill in North Carolina.”

I’m excited to get this issue out in front of a new audience, and I hope you’ll check out the full article on Please be sure to “like” and retweet and all that fun stuff, because it shows Vice ya’ll would like me keep writing. Thank you!

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