
“Truth and Power” TV series features Will Potter on “eco-terrorism,” ag-gag laws, and investigative journalism

A new television series, “Truth and Power,” is narrated by Maggie Gyllenhaal and executive produced by award-winning filmmaker Brian Knappenberger.

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New TED Talk Goes Inside Secretive Prison Units on U.S. Soil

“The secret US prisons you’ve never heard of before.”

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Why We Need Brave Journalists

Must-watch TED talks about freedom of the press.

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The Role of Journalists in Protecting Animals: Interview with Will Potter

The Animal Legal Defense Fund interviews Will Potter about the importance of journalists and whistleblowers exposing animal abuse.

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Hold factory farms to account, with drones

How should journalists respond to investigative methods and sources being criminalized? Send in the drones.

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Fast Company: Drones can get around strict “ag-gag” laws and document horrifying factory farms

Fast Company’s website of “world changing ideas and innovation” features Will Potter’s Kickstarter campaign.

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CNN: Exposing Animal Cruelty Is Not a Crime

Will Potter argues that “ag-gag” laws are unconstitutional because they threaten journalists who expose factory farms.

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BREAKING: We’re Suing Idaho to Overturn #AgGag Law Against Filming Animal Cruelty

A diverse coalition of organizations and journalist Will Potter have filed a lawsuit to strike down Idaho’s new “ag-gag” law as unconstitutional.

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Reporters Committee Weighs in on #AgGag Fight

The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press has an excellent article in their magazine about what “ag-gag” laws mean for journalists.

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Ag-Gag Lawsuit Challenges Corporate Attempts to Criminalize Free Speech and Journalism

Animal protection groups and journalists including Will Potter challenge Utah’s ag-gag law in landmark lawsuit.

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